Pancreatic Cancer fears

Hi there
I am new to this and have not been diagnosed but i do seem to be having some worrying symptoms which i am unable to explain.
Whilst i appreciate that nobody here can diagnose me, i hoped that shared experiences might enable me to make some more sense of this.
In March this year i started with pain around the kidney area which was accompanied by a very dry mouth. I was tested for Diabetes and the results were in normal range. These symptoms passed after a few weeks but were replaced with what has become a constant, mild stitch like pain under my ribcage, mainly on the left side but is noticeable on the right side from time to time.
This has been accompanied by indigestion (lots of burping) and more recently an 'all over body itch' which does not come with a rash.
Obviously these are concerning and not going away. If anything, they are getting slightly more uncomfortable but are still manageable.
In the last 5 weeks i have had two abdominal ultrasounds, firstly of kidney, bladder and prostate (all fine) and secondly of liver, gall bladder and pancreas (again the sonographer said everything was fine and as i jad fasted and consumed water as requested, he said he was able to get good images.
I have also had a range of blood tests done including for diabetes, celiac, amylase, thyroid function and liver function. All tests have been within range bar 2. The 2 in question were both liver function tests and i scored slightly higher than i should for total protein serum and albumin.
The GP doesnt seem concerned as the readings are only slightly out but with the abdominal and ribcage pain radiating to the back as well as the itching issues, i cant help but think that something is going on.
My GP thinks it is medically unexplained symptoms based on blood tests and ultrasounds and has not suggested anything to deal with the discomfort and itching. The area of discomfort and the symptoms seem to suggest, from what i have read, that it could be liver or pancreas related but the ultrasounds were all clear.
I feel a little lost and am not sure what to do next as the GP will not refer me anywhere as there are, to his mind, no red flags.
Yet the symptoms and the fear of not knowing what is happening is sending me into a low.
Has anyone any ideas or suggestions?

Apologies for the long post and i appreciate your time if you have read this. Equally, if i have come to the wrong place, then i apologise.


  • Request a ct scan now my husband had all the above it wasn't until he went jaundice and had a ct scan it showed up as p c good luck xxx

  • Hi debeny. Thanks for the response. I must admit, whilst your response makes me nervous, i will take action. Would it be a standard CT scan? Would the ultrasound i had not have picked something up?


  • No  my hubby had more scans endoscopy colonoscopy  only ct will show it up please get checked and don't take no for an answer  I really hope u have better news xxxx

  • Jim,

    In my case the ultrasound was useless - showed everything to be normal but the CT scan showed I had a stage 4 cancer. If you are still worried and still have symptoms hassle your doctors until you get to the bottom of it.

    Cancer is only one of a dozen things (mainly less serious) which might explain your symptoms.

    Good luck


  • Thanks for the response Dave and sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I will certainly be pursuing a scan snd thanks again for taking the time to read and reply.


  • Yep, keep pushing for better imaging or an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). I had similar symptoms for ages but it wasn't till I got jaundiced that they discovered my cancer.  I did have an inflamed pancreas which was put down to idiopathic pancreatitis so if your scans are normal that's good. But it's a sneaky old disease and needs to be caught early if you are to have any chance of a cure. The good news is my cancer has been cured with surgery and I'm having adjuvant  chemotherapy to stop it coming back so it's not always a death sentence!

  • Great news, thanks for posting it as pancreatic cancer is so often assumed by recently diagnosed patients to be incurable.

  • Hi Jim, 

    I appreciate some time has passed since this chat has been active, however I am experiencing very similar symptoms to what you described and was keen to know how you got on? Over the last 18 months or so I've had various symptoms like blood in stool, sore/ aching gut, on-going very loose stool, swollen tummy which has resulted in a now permanent aching bump/lump in my abdomen under the left rib and now radiates pain to my back constantly. Similarly ultrasound a few months back showed nothing abnormal for me, sigmoidoscopy same, and blood tests are good apart from slightly raised liver function that my gp isn't concerned about. My symptoms are really intensifying with pain in my back, under the left rib aroind the bump and loose greasy stools but Im unsure how to proceed, similarly no red flags from tests to date and my gp just tells me im too young at 35 to have any serious issues and to stop reading google - did a ct scan offer any clarifications? 

    I hope you are doing well in any case and in the unlikely event you see this reply.


  • Would MRI show cancers etc? Just as much? Or is it better to do CT of abdomen) pelvis ? 

  • Ultrasounds are no good you need to get a CT scan this will show any problems I have had PC and had an operation (PPPD) in May sitl sore and very depressed at the moment.  Hope all goes well

