Pain in left breast on upper left side towards armpit

Hey all, 

Over a month ago I noticed that my breast was really sore on the left side toward my armpit. I didn't think much of it first as I have lupus so I seem to always have aches and pains. But one day I was feeling it and I noticed that there seemed to be a lot more "tissue" in that area (if that makes sense?) than on the other side. It seems to only have gotten more sore the longer I've waited for answers. I've beent to the doctor a few times and to be quite honest I am just not impressed with Ireland's healthcare (ther is a bad rep for women's healthcare here). First doctor told me that he could not feel anything in my breast unusual at all, while poking around in the very painful area and clearly seeing me in pain. He said it was probably just an inflammation of chest wall, which seemed ridiculous to me as I can feel that it does not seem like it is in my chest wall. I told him I feel lumpiness but he wouldn't listen. 

Second (female) doctor told me that she could feel no cancerous lump but that it seems to be glandular - indicating she could feel something there but not a lump necessarily. She agrees with me that it is in my breast, however, so referred me to a breast clinic which she says could take 6-8 weeks to hear back from. 

I'm really worried as it is so sore and I can very clearly feel something there. Then I was reading about Inflammatory Breast Cancer and how it doesn't usually present with a lump and spreads rapidly and is virtually incurable and now I've seriously freaked myself out and feel that I get zero answers from doctors here. 

I was told even after the breast check they will most likely just prescribe me evening primrose oil and tell me to come back if it doesn't go away - this seems insane! What if it is cancerous? Surely that is too much waiting!

I have never had soreness in my breast before in my life. I am 29 years old and surely if it was hormonal or something I would have experienced something similar by now?

I'm really worried. Any advice would help greatly!

  • Hi im seeing my gp tomorow. Dreading it. My Left Breast has massive hard lump to my left side and expands to my nipple area. So i hope my doctors dont fob me off as i will go to A/E hospital. I think you should go there and say you want a scan or exray. Or you could ring the number on this site who will help you on the time you have to wait. I really hope its not cancer for you and i will say a prayer for you and myself that everything comes back normal. Take care and keep me informed on how you go.

  • Hi 

    can I ask did you ever get to the bottom of this?

    i have exactly the same thing been to the drs several times and finally been referred to the clinic but my pain is worsening. 



  • Can I asked what happened because I have exactly the same thing and really worried. 

  • I have this awful pain and no lumps at all but somehow my breast feels different, the pain is awful and painkillers won't take the edge of even a little bit.

    Planning on going to the doctors when I get a day off but I'm major worrying as it's in my family history on both sides :(

    Did anyone on this thread get an answer? 

  • I've been referred by my doctor to get it checked out but they said they didn't feel it was anything to worry about. They are just getting it checked to be on the safe side. 

    Please dont wait till you have a day off. Make your health a priority my sweet. You will only worry more and if (fingers crossed its not) it's anything that needs treatment the earlier the better. 

    Wishing you all the best.

  • I'll try, I hope you get on well best wishes x

  • Hello , 

    has anyone had any answers yet ? I was referred over a year ago to breast clinic and the women said it was hormonal as I had no lumps and as I was only 27 st the time she felt no need to scan me . But I do not belive its a hormonal . This pain is unbearable I’m takin pain killers way to often it’s just not right . I noticed this past year my left breast become much lumpier but when I returned to GP she didn’t feel anything unusual tho I’d never had lumpy breast before and I dnt st all in right breast. Iv stopped wearin bra jus to feel some ease st times  and Iv even found myself holding my breast in public without realising because of the pain .   I’m returning to GP this week for the 3rd time  . Hope you all find positive answers .

  • Hi, 


    I went to gp and he also said hormonal to me but I get this pain when I have a tight chest from asthma so I went back he upped my inhalers and its not come back since.

    I'm sorry if that doesn't help but maybe worth checking if it's that? 

  • Hi,

    I just wondered if anyone has got to the bottom of this. I have the exact same thing. A painful left lateral breast that, since the pain started 3 days ago, has spread towards the armpit. I can feel lumpy tissue that wasn't there previously but I would not say this is not a solid pea-like lump. More like matted lumpy tissue. The area is sore to the touch and sore when it is not being touched. It also generally feels like a burning sensation and is moving up towards my left shoulder.

    I have had very localised pain in my chest in the same area for 6-8 months this year and have been to my GP numerous times in relation to it. I have had blood tests and an ECG. All apparently fine. I did have a scan earlier in the year (I think x-ray but it's been a very long, hard year for me and my memory about it isn't great) but never got the results from it. Throughout the course of the year I had felt that the pain was coming from inside the chest cavaty, leading me to believe it was more likely to be heart related. But because I am 41 years old and quite fit, my GP has always said I am worrying about nothing. 

    Today I went back to my GP for the third time in a month about this and today he said he could feel lumpy matter there and has referred me for an x-ray tomorrow. Around 10 days ago I noticed that both my nipples were sore and I never get this. There is no visible change to the breast from the outside but it may be relevant that I have breast implants. I originally had these implanted to correct significant assymetry in 2005 and then 18 months ago had them replaced and a mastopexy following 5 years of constant breastfeeding. Also for around the past 2 weeks I have been overwhelmingly tired, nodding off in the afternoon when I would never normally do this.

    I am really worried because I am a single parent. I'm currently sitting my finals for a masters degree and I just feel so stressed out I have googled of course and the popular opinion is that this is something cystic, not cancer. But of course, my brain won't allow me to get the thought of cancer out of my head.

    Just wondered if anyone had any answers?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Just came across this thread. I have had this exact pain for almost 2 years. It started not long after having my second child. Its really worrying and has caused me lots of anxiety. Ive been to the GP lots of times and also been to see a breast consultant and have been reassured its all hormonal or muscular. The consultant told me to try using star flower oil to ease the pain. Even after all these appointments I still get very anxious and upset about the pain and the thought of it being cancer does not leave my mind. My pain is in my left breast often feels like its in the arm and arm pit. Sometimes it feels likes its burning. No lumps. It is such a worrying thing for a woman to feel pain in her breast