
I had a colonoscopy in January, they took 11 biopsies ,polyps . Was very painful and uncomfortable so much so I actually screamed at them (it was when they got to the top of my colon and bends when the pain made me squeal) . All as come back fine but I still have pain on my left side ,so much so it feels like my ribs are badly bruised , to lie on my side causes discomfort and it's as if I can feel food pass through that part . The doctor said it was probably bruising but that was two weeks ago , surely it shouldn't be this long now . ? Can someone please shed some light on this ,I don't want t9 keep bother8ng m6 Doctor 

thank you 

  • Welcome to the forum Ellerow although I'm sorry you're still having some pain on your left side.

    Hopefully some of our members who experienced similar after their colonoscopy procedures will share their thoughts and advice with you soon but it would be a good idea to see your doctor again as they are the only ones who can properly advise on this.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator