
I finished radiotherapy 5 weeks ago and this week, Wednesday to be precise, the oncologist was very happy with my progress.

I had 3 really good days in terms of energy levels but now I've floored out again!  It has taken me by surprise, tbh, and I'm feeling pretty under the weather.

immediately, there's the fear of...y'know...coupled with "is this as good as it gets?"  Fatigued, dizzy spells (may be linked to oral morphine?), acidity...generally a feeling as if I'm going down with a cold or something!

Is this usual?  Have I overdone things?

Thanks, and sorry for moaning!

  • I only did three weeks, finished in October last year and still have occasions where I feel so clapped out I can hardly stand up. 

  • It's no surprise you're feeling rough and I can't imagine it's unusual.  With how radiotherapy actually works I would think you can probably develop new side effects quite a while after the final treatment date, but I haven't had radio yet so don't know from experience.

    Best advice is to take it easy, don't ask too much of yourself and try and always stop a good bit BEFORE that point where you can no longer go on. Your body has been through the mill having cancer and having radiotherapy, be kind to it :)

    As for your future, my mum (as well as others I know) had radiotherapy years back and all returned to full health so I wouldn't go thinking this is as good as it gets.


  • No its not as good as it gets!  The radiotherapy knocked my hubby for six and the exhausted days seemed to be never ending.  He had aching joints stiff neck, painful arms and lots of infections but he is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  So hold on, take each day as it comes and good luck for the future.  Caz