Ovarian issues


i hope everyone is well and thanks for taking the time to read this.

I am 31 and a mum of one beautiful 11 year old. 

Struggling lately with endless fatigue, terrible bloating (genuinely look 7 months gone) and the worst urgency to pee! Also, periods are all over the place but definitely not pregnant (im sure I own about 70% shares in clear blue after how much I’ve spent on negative tests in the last 3 months!)

So I saw the dr yesterday, I had thought I’d be fobbed off with ibs or wind. She had a feel of my belly and said she was certain my uterus is massively enlarged and she was “concerned” and did urgent bloods today. She said i would need a scan urgently but said it would be 10-14 days as urgent. Dr called me back within 10 mins of me leaving the practice saying she had an appointment for me tomorrow morning and she would be uncomfortable to leave me any longer because of the severity of my symptoms...

So.. gp hasn’t said a word of what she thinks is happening... I’m trying not to google and I apologise if this isn’t the right forum for this question, but I’m climbing the walls here... should I be worried that this is the big ****** C? 

N.b I’ve had cysts before and happily waited 6 weeks for an ultrasound before now

Thank you x

  • Hi Gattlingums and welcome to the forum.

    I noticed you hadn't had a reply yet so I just thought I'd stop by and see how you got on with your scan the other day. I hope it went o.k and that you don't have to wait too long for the results to come back.

    It's never nice not knowing what is causing your symptoms but hopefully it won't be long before you get some answers, and favourable ones at that. 

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator