Ovarian Dermoid Cyst and possible Cancer

Hi, I am new to the forum and chat. Im just looking for general advice or anyone that may have expearianced the same. I am very worried and scared.

Yesturday I had keyhole surgery to remove what they thought was just a normal 6cm cyst on my right ovary. It ended up being more like 11cm and a dermoid cyst. They had to to a c section type cut to remove and they also ended up removing my ovary and fallopian tube. This was a precaution as the cyst did not look normal. It has now been sent off to be looked at and I have an agonising 2-3 wks wait for results.

I suppose im wondering if anyone else has had expeariance of this and if a Cancer diagnosis is probable? 

I am 36 and have two children, 15years and 10 months. The cyst was first picked up about 6 years ago but had since grown.

  • Welcome to the forum Niknakjm.

    I'm sorry that the cyst was bigger than first thought but the good thing is it has been removed and has now been sent off for testing.

    Waiting for results can be very tough as many of our members here know and hopefully some of them will reply soon to offer their support and advice. [@Jo22]‍ posted a few months ago about having a dermoid cyst which unfortunately in her case was found to be cancer, but remember, everyone is different and it does not mean that you will be diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to put you in touch in case you wanted to chat or ask any questions that may be playing on your mind and I'm sure Jo will do what she can to help when she's able to reply. 

    Our cancer nurses are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m so if you feel chatting to them will help you at this time do give them a call.

    Although the medical team said the cyst did not look normal, I'll have my fingers crossed the results bring good news when you get them.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello. My name is Karen and i have a dermoid cyst. I have had three ultrasound scans since my MRI scan as they want to keep a check on its size. Its very worrying. I worry every single day. Moreso with children, i have two, 7 and 6. I have an appointment now with my consultant in november to discuss management. How did you get on with your reaults? 

  • Hi i just read these posts i am aged 47 and I too have a dermoid ovarian cyst called Dermott (I named him) he is 8cm big and i have suffered with pain in lower back for about 2 years. On diagnosis i was  offered an oopherectomy and hysterectomy which i agreed to and was scheduled for 8.11.18 but this week had a serious wobble and went back to see consultant - now I'm just having an oopherectomy to remove Dermoid  there is another cyst on my other ovary which he is hoping isn't another dermoid and can remove it without removing the ovary which will stop me going into menopause - I am also having an endometrial ablation to help with heavy periods and get rid of a very small fibroid  - dermoid will go to pathology for testing fingers croased i have no cancer or i think i will regret not having had hysterectomy but at this point in time I'm happy with my decision - please let me know how you all have got on with your procedures x

  • Just reading these posts and I wanted to give my experience of being where you ladies are and to give you some hope.

    I had a 10cm Dermoid Cyst diagnosed on my right ovary and a 3cm cyst on my left ovary 10 years ago.  I had the 10cm Cyst removed and the surgeon reconstructed my ovary to a quarter of its size.  This was done c - section type surgery. She did not touch the other cyst as it wasn't causing me any pain and as I was only in my 20s with no children.

    The following year I conceived my first baby and have went 2 more since with no complications.  My cyst was benign as most dermoid cysts are.  I have recently being having a pain on my left side and I am currently waiting on an ultrasound to see if the 3cm cyst has grown. 

    Good luck to you all.  I will say a prayer for us all

  • Just reading these post and antshi I’m in the very same position. I’m 48 and recently diagnosed with a dermoid cyst and like yourself have been given the option of cyst and ovary removal or full hysterectomy. I was set on just having the ovary removed but my consultant really feels it’s best to do a full hysterectomy. I’m booked in for the 2nd of January, but having sleepless nights thinking am I doing the right thing! I’ve got a large fibroid and suffer with heavy periods to the point I’ve recently been anemic, so that would obviously sort that problem. But it’s such a big thing and not sure I’m ready for full blown menopause. Like yourself I don’t want to end up regretting not having it all taken away if there is something sinister there! 

  • Hi there!

    I am replying to this as I was reading all the comments. I'm 26 and I too have just had the major laparotomy surgery to have a 10cm dermoid Cyst and my left Ovary and fallopian tube removed myself and I'm waiting for my results too. Its currently been 3 weeks since the surgery and I still haven't heard anything yet and it's causing me anxiety.

    I don't network very much and I have found I'm a little bit more at ease knowing its not just me who's struggling with the result wait time. 

    Wishing everyone to best for their recoveries and results. ️

  • Hi I've just found out I have a dermatoid cyst on my ovary think it's around 2cm 

    what will happen next? 

    Is it just a cyst or cancer? 

    Will they remove it and send it for a biopsy?

    never heard of this type of cyst 

    worried as I have to wait a few weeks to see anyone and worried it could grow 

  • Hi everyone, 

    I was recently informed that I have a 6 cm Dermoid cyst on my right ovary. I was peeing up to 20/25 times a day and had frequent pain on my left side, I was surprised to find out my cyst was actually on my right ovary. I am currently waiting surgery in February. I will not know what kind of surgery the consultant will perform until after I wake up from it as he will not know how serious it is until he gets in there and access the damage. I’m only after turning 21 years old and i am terrified I might have cancer, I will have an agonising wait after the surgery to find out if my cyst is malignant or benign. I have no children but I pray that after all this I will be able to. If anyone has any advice or info for me I would be so appreciative. 


    Chloe x

  • Hi


    I was having trouble conceiving until they found I had two dermoid cysts in each ovary. I had a key hole surgeryto have the right dermoid removed but they left the dermood cysts in the left ovary as it was small and complicated to take out. Both were benign. After the surgery I went on to have 2 children naturally. Despite having fertility treatment as I was not ovulating. I am currently expecting my 3rd child soon. So have hope. I was very worried at the time and didn’t have much information about it then. It’s natural to feel nervous because you just don’t know ehat to expect until they do the surgery. My cyst was way biiger than they thought. But I hope my experience gives you some ease. X

  • Hi,

    I am having the same sort of problems been having pain on my right side and also left found out I have a very small dermoid cyst with a lump on top also have found a lump on my left side but have to see the gynecologist on Monday. Have another scan in 12 weeks to see if it's grown, I am 26 going out my mind with worry I hate all this waiting around. Wishing you well with your results.