Ovarian cyst polyp and fluid in womb and cervical ectroption

As the title says had a scan today I have cyst on my left ovary which is causing me stabbing pain (I'm trying to ignore it) fluid in womb with polyps on linning of my womb. I also have and suspected etropion. I have an app in 2 weeks for a colposcopy. I'm hoping they will look at my womb and ovaries as well when I'm there? I don't even know why I'm writing this post just wondered if there is anyone else with the same symptoms and what diagnosis you have had and treatment needed. (I know not everyone is the same just want to speak to others in similar position) 



  • Hello xotimexo, 

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I hope everything goes well at your appoitnment - we have information on our website on this page on the colposcopy which I hope you will find useful. Perhaps you could ask when you have your appointment whether they will also be able to have a look at your womb and ovaries while you are there or whether this cannot be done in the same appointment.

    Hopefully some of our members will be along shortly who have had similar symptoms to you and they will come and share their experience with you. It does help to talk to others who are or have been in a similar position.

    Best of luck with your appointment, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator