Ovarian cyst cancer?

Hi. Didn't have any symptoms at all except an urgency to pee. Dr diagnosed bladder infection and gave me antibiotics. I then found a hard lump in my abdomen and got dr to check it. She looked concerned and said she would refer to a gynaecologist. Saw Guynae last week who said it was a cyst. Had a scan same day and he called to say he was not happy and wants bloods and Ct which I did straight away as gave private health care. He called today to say my C125 test is abnormal and CT confirms the right ovary is abnormal. He said everything else including left ovary looked fine but I need hysterectomy next week and he is referring me to oncologist. All too much to take in. I feel really well other than a pain in my right ovary which feels like bad period pain. Am now convinced that this is going to kill me. I just turned 60. Never had kids but was looking forward to retirement. Is anyone else facing this?  I could use some suppprt. Thanks 

  • Hi,

    I'm in a similar situation.  I had my annual medical (for work) early Dec 20, the Doctor said my left side of my uterus felt hard so best get it checked out.  I had a ultrasould and bloods taken on the day of my appt with my gynea, and said there is a cyst on my left ovary but wanted to an MRI as well.  The receptionist who booked my MRI gave me a copy of the form for my MRI so that I could tell my insurance co. what I'm having done, it was then that I noticed the gynae had said pelvic area, cyst, Tumour???.  When I had MRI I was advised I would be having a contrast MRI.

    However about 5 days after my initial appt the gynae's PA rang to say my consultant wanted to see me 9am the next day.  So panic has set in.  Then I got another call to say I would see my consultant after I've had my MRI.  Yesterday I received a copy of a letter my consultant sent to my GP and confirmed that she took bloods for CA125, CEA and CA199.  I'm now totally convinced I've got cancer.  I have my follow up consultation today, so clock watching until I have to leave.



  • Hi. Thank you for sharing. I think you need to see whether they are being over cautious and just wanting to be thorough the blood tests I am told are a good indicator of abnormal cells. I had a CT and not an MRI and that was enough for the to say the cyst they thought I had is abnormal. It has been a week to the day today since my first appointment with the gynae and the waiting has been unbearable. I am not out of the woods but now I know what it is I am potentially dealing with I can strengthen my resolve   I am told that ovarian cancer is the likely outcome for me but until they remove it and test it the can't confirm 100%. 

    i hope you get a positive result and that there is nothing to worry about. Fingers crossed. Will you let me know how you get on please 

  • Morning,

    A quick update following my appointment last night.

    It is only a cyst.  My blood markers are slighlty raised, my consultant said it could be the cyst leaking.  Due to this she is going to do a laparoscopic procedure as she doesn't want to chance the cyst bursting if she was to remove that only.  It will then be sent off for analysis to double check all is ok.

    I feel a complete wally for worrying myself over nothing, but very glad with the outcome.

    Meetski, I hope everything goes to plan for you, keep strong.



  • Hi

    i am so pleased for you. It must be such a relief

    Wishing you all the very best