Ovarian cyst

So heres my essay! 

In 2016 when I was 13 weeks pregnant with my daughter, I had sharp abdominal pain. Which turned out to be a ovarian cyst that had twisted over my fallopian tube. I needed emergency surgery and they said that the baby probably wouldn't survive the anesthesia. Long story short thankfully she's fine.  When I got my results of my surgery they said it was a borderline ovarian tumour that had ruptured in my abdomen. They did 2 abdominal washes and took my ovary and tube. 

Fast forward to December 2020, my periods started going irregular and I started with the same abdominal pains again but obviously on the other side. But this time Along with bloating, pain in the top of my legs and what feels like my kidney area too now and being unable to fully empty my bladder which at 27 is surely not right?

I had my ultrasound on Saturday and she asked me to empty my bladder which i did as much as i could and she said there was still alot of fluid still in my bladder

she also said  theyre seems to be a cyst and I have to go back in 6 weeks to check the growth? 

Im going out of my mind with worry! Im so scared that it will twist like the other one. Or burst.

Sorry im just wondering what symptoms everyone else has had?

I feel like i kind of just needed to get all that off my chest if that makes sense? I'm trying to keep it all to myself so no-one worries. 

  • Hi, 

    I'm 21 and had a septum hemmorhagic cyst since August. It's a horrible feeling isn't it? I'm waiting for surgery and worried as there checking for endometriosis. Suddenly, I'm having like kidney pain too? And always peeing and much more in there. I'm scared, I've rang the hospital and not much more they can do until surgery.