Ovarian cancer

Hi ladies 

I’m 54 with post menopausal bleeding and yes I missed a smear . Seeing doctors for urgent appointment today and ultra sound scan . I’m so so scared of what is ahead and just not coping at all 

anyone got any advice ? 

  • Hello mcallister, 

    I just wanted to warmly welcome you to our forum. How did your appointment and ultrasound scan go yesterday? 

    It is normal to be scared while waiting for answers or results. I know it is really hard but try not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Mcallister

    I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. I recently started treatment for ovarian cancer and I know how scary and stressful the initial tests, scans and waiting can be.  Please bear in mind that symptoms can be caused by many different things and relatively few cases turn out to be something sinister.  I had quite a long wait for results and got my head into a better place by thinking ‘if it is something sinister, I might as well enjoy these few weeks of not knowing’.  Thinking that way encouraged me to do things I enjoyed while waiting for the results.  I even booked myself into a nice hotel for a weekend to get away from it all.

    I hope you don’t have too long a wait for your results and that they are all good!  In the meantime, be kind to yourself :)

    S x