Outer Ear Melanoma

Hi all,

I'm new to the page and wanted to ask a question about outer ear malignant melanoma. My Mam has recently been diagnosed and has had 2 operations to remove it. She's on the mend now (we hope) but has been advised to keep out of the sun. Whilst I know this sounds like an obvious option and she won't be directly sitting out in it, does anyone have any other ideas about how she can keep it covered up when generally pottering around in the garden, walking the dog etc? 

Is there any thing she can put in there to protect it rather than just wearing a giant hat which would be fine abroad but not so much at home!

Many thanks


  • Hi Vikki

    I am in a similar situation to your Mum.

    Here is a reply I gave elsewhere https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-chat/thread/skin-cancer-advice#post-594001

    I think it is important even in this country to be wary of the sun.  Floppy hats can be very attractive. Let's make them a fashion statement again!

    Kind regards


  • I was just diagnosed with stage 1b melenoma on my right earlobe.  I am goning tomorrow to see what my procedure will be. Hopefully they have caught it early and everything will be ok. Could you let me know what stage your moms was and what they did with her? Thanks so much!!


  • Your mum will look fine in a wide brimmed hat, preferably a UV protected one (I got mine from Amazon).  If she is walking around or sitting down she could also use a UV parasol - again from Amazon. I have a lovely lacy one. It doesn't matter if anyone thinks we look odd - we have to educate everyone that covering up should be the norm, not the exception. They will get the message eventually. Wear a hat with pride!

    Kind regards


  • Hi

    just wanted to say that “ ultra sun 50” is the best sun screen besides your hat!. It’s the same as prescription sun cream.  ( you should be able to get it free on prescription too)

    if not M& S sell it or QVC

    Best wishes


  • ImI afraid sun screen isn't available on prescription in England for skin cancer. NICE guidelines state that it should only be prescribed for photosensitive genetic conditions or for photosensitive conditions caused by cancer treatment ie. chemo and radiotherapy. Some GPs are not fully aware of the guidelines and may prescribe it so itsi worth asking but be prepared to be told no. My GP did until the senior partners found out and it was stopped. Also be aware that it may be stopped for everyone soon as a result of the NHS Funding Review last year. As for recommended sun screen, many melanoma patients find Altruist very good. It was formulated by a dermatologist and doesn't stain clothing like some others do.

    Kind regards, Angie