One stop breast clinic appointment

Hi all 

I had appointment at one stop breast clinic on friday had mammogram n scan n a few biopsies taken then back to see Consultant who examined me he said 90% breast cancer ive got an appointment for this Thursday for biopsy results, we spoke to the breast care nurse then who explained that Thursday they would discuss my treatment plan, ive told family n close fruends but husband says i should of waited but i know my body n am sure they wouldn't of told me all they did if they weren't sure HELP I've gone into panic mode thinking I've been stupid 

  • Hi Diane

    I'm sorry you are undergoing this treatment and that the consultant has told you that there is a chance that you might have breast cancer.

    In my case I had to return to the breast clinic when my biopsy results were in to confirm a cancer but the consultant wasn't so definite as yours at the first meeting.  Just said there was a possiblity.  I don't think either way it will really matter that you have told family and friends.  You're not stupid just worried.  It might be good to have someone with you on Thursday just to confirm what is said.  I had my wife and really her clear head remembered the conversation better than my shocked thoughts.

    Wishing you well
