Oesophagitis cancer & lung cancer, terminal, no cure

Hi my hubby has been diagnosed with oesophagitis cancer and lung cancer terminal no cure for him he's only 57 

I cannot get my head around it

  • Hi Mumndad,

    Sorry to hear about your husband. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 osophogeal cancer in August 2020, he was only 63.

    It had spread to his bladder and his lymph nodes. He was given a maximum of 6 months if he was lucky and offered chemo to help control the symptoms. He had 8 rounds of the strongest chemo and his body reacted well. He's still here today and defying all odds.

    I'm writing this in the hope that it will give you a little hope xx


  • That's really good news about your dad can I ask after how many chemo sessions did he notice an improvement my family member is not coping well with chemo it's early days and 3rd chemo due this week but is so poorly. 
    unable to eat solid food at all and has lost at least 3 stone. 

  • Hi Bubbles57,

    Sorry to hear that your family member is going through it and having a tough time with chemo.

    My dad showed some improvement after round 2 and was able to eat again thankfully. Remember everyone is different so your family member might handle it worse/ better through the rounds. Chemo is a savage thing but hang in and there and try and be positive. As much as it pained me to see my Dad struggling with it i always kept a brave face on and remained positive. Helped me keep it together for him

    Hope you're okay xx