Oesophageal Cancer with secondary Bone Cancer

Hi All

My uncle was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in September 2018. There was no operation offered as it had spread to lymph nodes. He got 2 rounds of chemotherapy but this didn’t do much. So two months ago he got in a stent to open it up to allow him to eat as this was really possible, he was only able to eat soft foods that would get stuck or he was sick.

He has had a sore back for about 3-4 months, the doctors was putting this down to being sick with not being able to eat so said it was muscular pain. After a number of trips to doctors they got him an urgent MRI scan on Monday within 2 hours the hospital had phoned to get him ASAP to get emergency radiotherapy as he has a mass on his spine and if something wasn’t done quick he would loose power to legs and this won’t come back. He has had trouble going to the toilet is this due to the tumour on the spine? The cancer has also spread to the bone. 

Is there anything else left to try or is this the final thing? If so how long can he live with secondary bone cancer? Like would it be months or weeks left? 

My uncle lives with my granny and granda as he’s not married and I am his only niece and would like to know what we have left as a family?

Thank you 

  • Hello catherine1993, 

    A big welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear your uncle has been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer which has sadly spread to his bones. I hope that you will hear from others here who have also looked after a loved one with oesophageal cancer and that they will share with you their experience. Unfortunately, no one here will be able to tell you how long your uncle has left to live with secondary bone cancer. This is indeed very difficult to predict. We have a section on our website on oesophageal cancer which you can access here and which includes information about 'survival' but these are general statistics based on large groups of patients and they can’t tell you what will happen in your uncle's individual case. Your uncle's medical team can give you more information about his own outlook (prognosis). You can also talk about this with the Cancer Research UK nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday so don't hesitate to give them a call if you need to talk things through with them.

    We're thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Keep us updated if you can on how things develop for your uncle. I hope that he has managed to get the emergency radiotherapy he needed. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator