Obsessed over right breast/pain

I found a breast lump late last year which disappeared by the time I attended the breast clinic. They did a very thorough ultrasound of the right side of the right breast and found cystic lumps, blocked nodules etc but no cause for concern.

I experience cyclical breast pain (heavy/lumpy breasts, occasional twinges etc) which I generally feel more in the right breast/side. 

The past 10 days have been usual for my cycle, with some arm/back pain, twinges in both breasts although more of a focus on the right side. Havent felt any noticeable unusual lumps in either breast. 

However my anxiety got out of control and I had a telephone appointment with my doctor who was very reassuring, explaining my results again from the ultrasound, referred/chest wall pain and the normality of occasional aches and pains. 

These pains have now gone but I've now become obsessed with "additional symptoms" mainly focusing on lymph nodes. I've prodded, poked, pinched and pushed on my armpits and neck glands etc. Now the fatty bit of skin between the right breast and armpit hurts, feels like a strained muscle. The other side aches a bit but not as much. I feel hyper aware of the right side of my body and have been scouring the internet and worrying myself sick that there is a cancerous lump deep in the breast (I'm obsessed with the idea that it is on the front part of the breast which they did not ultrasound) and has spread. 

I'm 28 and have found a few stories of women of similar age and with similar symptoms. I'll call the doctor again next week but I'm fighting a losing battle keeping the thoughts under control. 


  • I guess my current fear is that my right armpit area is sore/fatty because the lymph nodes are disturbed and next time I'll check I'll be able to feel swollen lymph nodes, and then I'll feel like it is confirmation of the worst. I'm trying not to poke and prod at it because you can see where I've been doing that as my nails are leaving marks. But I'm obsessed with checking it and just waiting to find hard swollen lymph nodes. 

     I'm beginning to get myself in a dreadful state. 


    Hi Maria,

    I am so sorry to hear about your symptoms. Many of us experience cyclical pain at that certain time of the month. It is unusual to have pain in a breast with breast cancer. There is also always the problem that when you discover anything amiss, you keep pushing and poking until you make certain areas feel sore. Do try to stop feeling these areas so much. Also if you have to do this, try doing it when you are in the bath or shower. Soap yourself well then feel the area gently.

    This is a gentler way of examining your breasts/lymph nodes and, it is often easier to find any lumps when you do this. Do call yur GP again next week and explain just how worried you are. In the meantime, please stop consulting 'Dr Google'. Much of this information is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the spectacular cases. You don't need this, as it will only scare you further.

    I hop that you find your GP more helpful next time and that you are again given the all clear, but you are better to be safe than sorry.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Thank you very much for your reply, it's very kind of you to take the time to do so. 

    Thank you also for the advice on checking breast/lymph nodes properly. Makes much more sense than me randomly and frequently squishing different parts of me. 

    The symptoms I'd had when I spoke with the doctor earlier this week have now gone (cyclical type pain but more so in right side) and now new ones seem to have sprung up (rib pain and the fatty underarm type pain). I guess not knowing why your body creates these sensations causes me severe anxiety and makes me assume the worst as I think they must all be linked. Its very exhausting. 

  • Hi Maria,

    I am in exactly the same boat besides mine is the left and I'm 30.


    I was referred to the breast clinic at the start of April and everything came back normal. But now I'm obsessed with touching that side and convinced myself someone was missed. I had breast pain for a few weeks which has now stopped after I stopped prodding it lol but now I feel like I have thickened tissue.. but I also think it's just all in my head. 

    I called my GP a couple of weeks ago and she reminded me of my results and theres nothing to worry about. But with being stuck indoors due to Covid.. I have nothing else to do besides worry! 

    I don't have any words of advise really.. just letting you know you aren't alone in this x




    Dear Maria and S.Ripley,

    We all get aches and pains from time to time and it is certainly true that once you think of cancer at all every little ache gives us great cause for worry. Many of us develop all sorts of worries about new lesions, pain, etc, which we probably would have paid no attention before, but suddenly these additional problems develop out of all proportion in our heads..

    As I said before, pain doesn't usually accompany a breast cancer diagnosis and, just because pain doesn't usually accompany cancer, doesn't mean that it cannot. You know your own bodies best, so if you're not happy, then it is always just as well to get them imaged. It sounds as if both of you may already have had this done at the breast clinic, so all should be ok, but you are always better safe than sorry.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi S.ripley,

    Thanks so much for your reply. I think I'm the same with being stuck indoors and worrying as my anxiety has been jumping from one thing to another since lockdown began. 

    It's difficult needing the reassurance but it's helpful when the GP can provide it based on the scans. 

    Its helpful to know we aren't alone xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Yes the concerns and worries do manifest in out of control/proportion ways. I guess my fear is the fact that the scan was 6 months ago and they didn't scan the entire area of the breast. 

    I feel quite low and tearful tonight. I haven't slept or eaten well and I'm due on next week so I feel emotional I guess. I can't stop prodding and body checking and scanning. 


    Hi Maria,

    I know that it is hard not to keep feeling the area. Try to leave your checks to just once a week.

    Are you sure that your entire breast wasn't examined under ultrasound? Remember that it all depends on which way the probe is angled as to how big an area it covers.

    We can all feel extremely emotional with fears like this, but you really do need to eat and sleep.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hi Jolamine,

    That's true about the ultrasound. I guess I meant they didn't use the ultrasound all over the entire breast. 

    My right ear feels blocked at times and sometimes there's a lump when I swallow. Been poking the fatty bits under my arms and obsessively checking either side and can't stop assuming the worst because I don't know any other alternatives I guess. 


    Hi Maria,

    I may be wrong, but I suspect that they don't need to go all over the entire breast. It would be unusual for the hospital staff not to inspect the ultrasound thoroughly. If a view is not clear or something is missing, they would most likely have recalled you for another one or done an MRI. They are usually very thorough when they are carrying out these scans.

    When you are constantly poking and checking, you will be sore. Try to check in the shower just once a week.

    Have you had problem with your right ear previously? Discuss all of your symptoms with your GP.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx