NSCLC with >10 brain mets, BSC only.

Hiya. I posted back in October that my father-in-law had been diagnosed with terminal secondary brain cancer back in June and was given a typically short life expectency. He has only had BSC, and steroids haven't been effective.

With this number of mets, we were expecting a rapid decline, but nealry 10 weeks beyond that he's still going. We think it's down to some 'fragrant' treatement, as he's had nothing else, but it may be just a fluke. He's sleeping a lot more, about ten hours ish, and is reticent to walk any distance, he's also getting more muddled and is not contributing to conversations much at all anymore. He's pulling away whether intentionally or not from family, showing no interest in their first granddaughter born last week, and no longer cuddly or holding hands with his wife. He's just started on oral morphine for the headaches. 

Our nurse has tentatively said he might make Christmas, but the unknowns are awful. We can't make plans for anything beyond the next couple of days and it's getting so wearing after so long in this state. It's awful too to see such a strong man just slowly lose himself. 

I don't really have a question... we know he's not 'ready' for hospice yet, and we know he doesn't want to talk about it, and we know it's likely a few weeks yet (maybe more, who knows?) but I just needed to speak about it. Thanks for reading. 


Love to all.