Not sure what to think??

Hi there. I'm 47 and recently found a lump in my left breast and one under my arm. My Dr sent me to the breast clinic where I had mammograms, ultrasound and biopsies. 

they wouldn't let my husband come in with me and when I saw the consultant at the end he said he was 'concerned' about the lumps. He then talked about having a multi-disciplinary meeting when my results were back and meeting me again on 3rd June to discuss a 'treatment plan'. He left me with the Nurse who I asked if he was saying the chance of me having breast cancer was very likely and she said yes. I also asked her if they thought the two lumps were connected which meant the cancer was spreading and she said yes. 

I was then given my appointment card and a leaflet and off I went in complete shock. 

Dies this mean I have cancer or there's still a chance I may not??  I'm really scared and confused but don't want to give myself false hope if it's likely to be bad news. I've no idea if all this is 'normal' or what to prepare myself for. 

Really welcome thoughts from anyone. 

  • Hi,

    I'm in exactly the same situation as you, I went last  tuesday and was told I had a 3cm mass in my left breast which was suspicious,  they took a biopsy and also took one from my  lymph nodes,  when I went back in after the biopsies the doctor said  they had found this mass  she  put her hand on my knee and said she  was sorry, I have an appointment on 9th  June to see the surgeon,  I too was in shock , I spoke to a breast care nurse on Friday to clarify things, she said its highly likely its cancer, as I am driving myself mad with worry she said she would ring me this Tuesday after the MDT meeting to tell me results,  its really hard but I'm trying to live in the present at the moment rather than living in a future where I don't know what's going to happen   I think once we get our results at least we can plan, try to stay strong 

    Louise xx

  • Hi I was diagnosed with overian cancer in May. Like you there was a lot of ifs and maybes. I drove my self mad too , it's the unknown that's the worse thing. It's terrible hard not to worry. But once they tell you and tell you your treatment IF it is, some how you do feel more in control. I read this on other posts and it is true. Its just the waiting that's the hard part. When you know you can plan. Stay strong you've got this xx 

  • Hi,

    I am 22, waiting for my core biopsy results and worried out of my mind! 

    At first I had an ultrasound and a fine needle biopsy, the doctor suspected a fibroadenoma but not sure if the results came back negative or what they was very vage about it but had to go in for a second biopsy which was a core one. On the phone the doctor told me its nothing to worry about however the doctor doing the prodedure said they wasnt sure what it was... 

    Hope you had good results.

    Lillie xx :happy: 


    Hi Donna, Louise, Crystalgirl and Lillie,

    Welcome to our forum. I am writing to you all together, as you all seem to be round about the same stage in your journeys.

    Nobody can be absolutely sure whether or not there is cancer present, until some precise tests are carried out. However, remember that the consultants you are seeing are experts in their field and, can be pretty accurate when they tell you that it is likely to be cancer. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 11 years and, my surgeons both told me that they were pretty sure that I had it. Unfortunately when the results came back, I discovered that they were both right.

    Doctors are usually totally open about what they expect. In some ways this is good, because you have a week or so to come to terms with it, before you get a definite diagnosis. On the other hand it is quite a shock to be told this so quickly, although it saves you from building up false hopes. Having said all this, occasionally doctors can be wrong.

    There are so many unknowns at this stage, that it is impossible to prepare yourself for all possible scenarios. Unfortunately, our minds tend to go into overdrive, whilst waiting on results too. Many of us find that our emotions are all over the place at this stage. Don't worry about this. It is perfectly normal, but it does get better when you get a diagnosis. Whether the result is good or bad, you will soon know what you've got and, how it is going to be treated. Once you start out on this cancer journey, you will feel happier that you have a direct goal in sight.

    I hope that you get better news when you get your results. Do please keep in touch and let us know how you all get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx