Not sure what to say to my partner

So I was having tests for polycythemia and whilst looking they checked my jak2 gene for polycythemia Vera, as I'm not too bright I let my partner investigate and she panicked as it mentioned leukimia. 

Today the results came back and the doctor drops a book and some leaflets in front of me and just says any questions. 

I straight away ask about leaukimia and she brushed that off with the less than15% of people get that so I'm thinking great news for me and my partner I can put her mind at rest and I've just assumed this PV must be the polycythemia the first doctor briefly described to me which seemed harmless. 

So while I'm having my venesection done, I'm texting my partner telling her this great news .... then I get home and read this info and do my own research. 

Now im not sure how to tell her or how to digest this info if I'm honest.