Not having needle aspiration does this sound right?

I just want to confirm really that this is okay because I've been scared of having thyroid cancer since March i've had blood tests ultrasounds etc and I just wanted it confirmed that the lump on my thyroid isn't cancerous. 

I was booked in for an ultrasound today. I have had 2 before this in recent months but I didn't have the needle and the doctor I last spoke to isnt sure why. 
The radiologist has told me that the lump on my thyroid has gone from U3 to nearly U2 so has gotten smaller and so he did not feel that he needed to do the aspiration. He said the guidance now says not really to do them on lumps under 2.5 cm and mine is 9 mm. I should also mention at this point I originally went in for swollen lymph nodes and this lump on my thyroid was found and I was told it could potentially be cancerous but it's not high risk essentially. I also have no other symptoms.

i've also been told by my consultants receptionist that it isn't uncommon for them to decide to not do it and that's obviously what happened to me before and that it's up to the radiologist. I'm just a bit baffled as I was expecting the needle and my partner is angry about this. I've contacted my consultant for his opinion on this decision and I just wanted to get some opinions on here as well. 
thank you so much for your time.  

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the lump you have but i'm afraid no one on here can tell you what this is or give you an opinion about the situation.

    It is good to hear this has been looked into and you have had tests including ultrasounds that seem to have shown a reduction in size at the latest one. A fine needle aspirate is not always necessary and it is often the features seen on the ultrasound as well as the size that will guide the need for a sample to be taken.

    You are doing the right thing by checking what the consultant has to say about this and hopefully you will hear back from them soon.

    Get back in touch if you need to.

    All the best
