Nose Bleeds

Since my treatment ended I’ve been getting nose bleeds every 3-4 weeks

I finished chemo & radiotherapy back in June after being diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2016. I’ve been discharged from hospital now but since my last chemo in May I’ve been getting nose bleeds. It’s always my left nostril (I had the cancer in my left breast) and the bleed is usually over and done with in 10mins. My surgeon says it’s down to the chemo making the nasal membrane weak. Is anyone else experiencing this please. Thank you 

  • Hello Nanny - yes, I had minor nosebleeds whilst I was having my chemo for ovarian  (both times, different chemos) but they gradually disappeared over several months like all the other symptoms resulting from treatment once it ended.  I have to say that these were only very small bleeds and only when I blew my nose, but we're all different I guess.

    Hope it all clears up soon, and sending my best wishes.  Take care!

    Hazel xx


  • Thank you Hazel. Best wishes to you too. 

  • Hi Nanny, my daughter has just finished her treatment for HLymphoma and has been getting nosebleeds on and off since. We had a bit of a scare this week when she started  haemorrhaging with a severe nosebleed on the way to the hospital. Can anyone tell me if the nosebleeds do ease off over time and is it because the treatment damaged the platelets stopping them from clotting. I thought she was through the worst if it. 

    Thank you and hope you’re on the mend. 

  • Hi Dob68, 

    I saw you were concerned about the nosebleeds your daughter has been having since finishing treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma so I just wanted to give you our cancer nurses telephone number in case you wanted to chat to someone medically trained about this. They're available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5pm on 0808 800 4040 (freephone number) so do give them a call if you think discussing this with them will help. Lymphoma Action may be able to provide some insight as well.

    I hope this helps Dob68 and that your daughter's nosebleeds start to ease off soon.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator