Nodule on lung as changed

Just s brief back history,  I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer last August,  I had an operation to remove the lump and 18 lymph nodes of which 13 was cancerous,  I also had a re-incision operation in the September to get clear margins,  I turned down the chemo and radiotherapy that they offered and didn't take the the hormone blocking tablets which was my choice and don't want to talk about that so please don't ask .


Due to the cancer being in so many lymph nodes I had to have a bone scan and CT scan to see if it had spread,  they found a shadow on my liver which turned out to be a fatty lump they also found a nodule inside my right lung (the breast cancer was on the left) , I had another CT scan 2 weeks ago and the BCN phoned me last night to say the nodule inside my lung had changed and they would be doing another CT scan in May and if it had changed again I'd need to see the oncologist to discuss treatment ,  I'm just wondering if anyone else as had a lung nodule that as changed and what steps was taken ? Thank you in advance .

  • Hi and thanks for posting

    I hope that someone who is going through a similar experience will get back to you and go through their experience, which I'm sure you can appreciate may well be different to yours.

    Not all lung nodules are necessarily cancerous , so it's possible that the specialists wanted to watch and wait to see if there were any changes at the next CT scan. It's possible that the nodule may have grown in size and appearance , leading them to think that there may be a possibility it may be linked with the breast cancer, though not being involved in your care I can't really say. It's possible they may offer treatment if it has grown again in May , although if it's stable and you are not having any symptoms, they may carry on with a watch and wait.

    Do give us a call if you'd like to talk this through at any time - calls are confidential on Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best
