No period?

Hi everyone, I need advice. I'm 20 years old, I'll be 21 soon. I haven't had a period for about a year! I'm not pregnant and I've just noticed a brown/yellow looking discharge when wiping near that area. It seems like old blood, but I've never had to wear pads for AGES now! My period used to always be heavy, I used to bleed a lot and now it's gone to nothing? I've seen doctors and all they say is "it's normal", but how's it normal? I am also overweight (I've put weight on) I don't know if that is one cause for not having a period and also I'm stressed a lot. I've had a scan and didn't have anything abnormal in my ovaries. Anyone know why this is happening? 

Also I'm not waiting for a diagnosis I just don't know where to post this, I'm scared it could be related to cancer as I've been getting diarrhea sometimes as well.