Nipple inversion / contraception

Hi ive been on the inplant since september 2019 got perscribed the pill aswell in march 2020 since then my nipples have become retracted. I thought it was just a side effect of taking both so stopped the pill after  a month and kept the inplant in. I cant feel any lumps but after 10 months its still the same. Completly inverted nonpain or lumps that i can feel? Anyone else had this? Also was on fluxotine at the same time could it just be a side affect of taking all these together? 

  • PubMed and Google Scholar have research papers on everything. I type the generic name of my medication and the side effect I experience and hopefully I will see what papers have been written on them. Have you tried Google 'Retracted nipples and  ... (the name of your implant)? I hope that is of some help. If your GP has given it to you, ask for a GP appointment by telephone and tax his or her brain. Hope I have been of some help.