Newly diagnosed with breast cancer and waiting for Scans

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but waiting for scans to check if it has spread elsewhere, I don’t feel well and feel like it has spread and am really worried what the results will be. At the moment it’s a large lump and has spread to the lymph node so starting chemo first, even though I pretty much knew it it’s been a very tough week 

I am positive about the treatment but just terrified this is going to change when they see if it has spread... the waiting is hurrendous... trying to have fun with my kids,work and keep busy but just walking around in a daze and trance... 


    Hi Liv,

    Welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. The emotions you are feeling are perfectly normal and will lessen once you start moving forward with treatment. We all tend to think the worst at this stage, but it seldom turns out to be as bad as we expect. Waiting for treatment to start and waiting for test results are some of the worst moments in your cancer journey.

    When are you due to start chemo? What ages are your children and do they know that mummy is not well? They only need the simplest of explanations. Hae you got a date for your scans yet? I have had two bouts of breast cancer, the first was 8 years ago and the second was 7 years ago. I had a lumpectomy first and a double mastectomy the second time around, so if there is anything I can help you with just let me know.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Oh thanks for your message Jolamine, scans are on Friday and chat with the oncologist so will know more about when I start chemo but probably in the next couple of weeks. 

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve had 2 bouts, how are you feeling now? Did you have chemo? My children are 7 and 9, they know I’m not well but that’s all, have been waiting till I get more info then will tell them so any advice on what to say would be great...

    I feel better knowing and planning helps, just trying to keep busy and distracted but it’s hard when it’s all you talk about and think about  but like you say It will get easier once treatment begins and you feel like your fighting it! Just all a bit surreal at the moment 

    Thanks for getting in touch 




    Hi Liv,

    No, I didn't have radiotherapy or chemo. I was advised to have radiotherapy after my lumpectomy, but, due to procedural errors, this never came to pass. After my double mastectomy I was advised that I didn't need chemo. I had Tamoxifen after the lumpectomy for one year. Second time around I had Letrozole for 6 years. and finished taking this in July 2017. My mobility has been badly affected, but otherwise I'm ok.

    Your children are old enough to know that something is going on, but possibly not ready for a full disclosure. Perhaps you could tell them that you have poorly boobies and you are going into hospital to try and make them better?  They don't need a complex description, just something very simple, but be prepared for some very probing questions as they take in your news!

    Many of us here would agree that waiting for tests and results is a horrendous time. It is not always easy to keep yourself distracted from what lies ahead, but do your best. I am glad to hear that you are having more tests on Friday and then seeing the oncologist.

    I shall be thinking of you and hoping that it all goes as well as possible.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hi Olivia

    I’m so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis.  I have also recently been diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer and can totally relate with you on the horrendous waiting on test results. I’ve never experienced anxiety like it and my constant Googling hasn’t helped matters! I’ve two teenage daughters, 19 and 15 so with them being older have explained everything to them. It’s still very hard though keeping a brave face in front of them. 

    It’s looking like I’m going to be having a mastectomy and I also find out results on Friday. I’m hoping he will be telling me the next steps as I think I will feel a bit better for knowing what’s going to be happening and when.

    Good luck for Friday.

    Alison x

  • Hi Alison, 

    thanks for your message, I agree the anxiety is hurrendous! And googling.. it’s hard not to! Must be hard with your kids, but they’ll help you though it and. Be a support, but very hard putting on a brave face and trying to be normal in front of them. 

    Sorry to hear you are having a mastectomy, do you know when you will go in? all the best and good luck for your results on Friday. Fingers crossed for you

    Liv xx

  • Hi Alison,

    I just wanted to wish you all the best for Friday. I am glad that you and Olivia have met up. You will both find it helpful to have someone going through the same thing at the same time and should be a great support for one another.

    As I have already told Olivia, I had a lumpectomy 8 years ago followed by a double mastectomy 7 years ago. I was terrified of what might go wrong with my last ops, but it was really straightforward.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx




  • Hi Liv

    Thanks for replying, it’s nice to chat with someone who is unfortunately going through this at the same time.  

    I’m hoping after I get my biopsy results tomorrow he will be able to tell me the next steps. I’ve had to have 3 biopsies done as I have two lumps and then a 6cm area of suspicious calcification.  The calcification is the reason why he thinks I’ll have to have a mastectomy. To be honest I’ve got my head around that and just want it gone and quick. He mentioned last week mid October for the op. There is just so much info to take in isn’t there?! My head is spinning! 

    Is it the MRI results you are getting tomorrow?  My sister’s friend also had to have chemo first as she had two large lumps and lymph node involvement. She is now having radio but has recently been given the all clear. 

    Fingers crossed for us both for tomorrow and let me know how you get on.

    Alison x

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thanks for getting in touch. I remember your kind words on another thread when I was waiting for my results and really appreciate hearing from you.

    I’m sorry to hear you had to go through this twice but heartened to know you are ok now. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. 

    I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.

    Alison x


    Hi Alison,

    Thinking of you tomorrow and praying for a good result.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks for your messages, so good to hear from others going through the same. 

    Good to hear your sisters friend has the all clear, and praying for good news for you tomorrow Alison.

    I have an MRI and CT scan tomoro but not sure when I get the results... 

    All the best, will update you on tomorrow’s progress 

    liv xxx