Newly diagnosed with Anal cancer

I went  into hospital on the 16 Feb 2018 to have an anal fissure repaired when I was coming round  they told me they found a lump. I have since had an MRI and CT scan and on 6 March 2018 it was confirmed that I have Anal cancer. Doctor said it was early stages and therefore with Chemo and radiotherapy they should be able to get rid of it.  I go on 16 March for a PET scan and Onocologist appointment on the 21 March.

Apart  from a sore bum as I still have the fissure, physically I feel fine,  I don’t know how can I have this I don’t look ill! I finding it hard to take in.......I suppose this is natural? Mentally I’m all over the place one minute oh it will be alright then down in the dumps again.

Have been scouring the internet for as much information as possible and the hospital gave me a leaflet but I wanted to connect with other people that have this. Can any one help me?

  • Hi Lyndylou67. Welcome to the forum.

    I've not had the pleasure of anal cancer; my own cancer was prostate which was caught similarly early. Apparently I looked the picture of health and no one suspected I was ill - but inside my stomach was regularly churning and I was struggling to keep it all together. I know all too well the swings and roundabouts of optimisim and depression regularly changing places.

    I can definitely confirm that what you're going through and what you're feeling are 100% normal. You feel like your life is on hold, and someone else has pressed the Pause button. I'm afraid this is something we all have come to terms with as individuals. 

    I suggest that you don't keep this a secret - tell your friends, relatives and colleagues. I also suggest you don't consult Dr Google, as you'll only end up frightening yourself silly (as I dd on several occasions). 

  • Hiya Lyndylou,

    I too have been diagnosed with squamous cell anal cancer after I went to my gp with what I thought was a hemorrhoid. I had surgery to remove it and was told it was cancer then. I too have days where I feel "normal" and have bad days. I found the hardest thing so far is all the waiting in between all the scans, appointments to see drs. and then planing, my mind goes into overdrive. If you type in anal squamous cell cancer in the search you should come across a group of ladies that are going thru different stages of anal cancer. They are a lovely bunch and offer so much help and support that you will never feel as tho your on your own.

    I start my chemoradiation treatment on Monday, I was first diagnosed just before Christmas.

    Please keep in touch and do not hesitate to ask any questions. 

    Hugs Sue x

  • Hi Lyndylou,

    You've been in my thoughts and was wondering how you are feeling.  I believe you were one of the latest to join the group and the majority have put it behind them.  Just making sure you are ok.  Think of this group of ladiees often.   



  • Hi Sheri

    progress is slow, just having a setback. My botty was starting to heal fine then it got really bad again. Went to the Doctors and it was all inflamed so have been given a steroid cream to help settle it, pooing is mega painful at the moment!!!

    i was thinking of getting back to work next month but have decided to delay it due to bowel incontinence, had an accident out the other day, was mortified!!!  Luckily I always carry spare Knickers and wet wipes but even so it floored me!

    Apart from that feeling ok.

    how are you now? Are you over your recent op?

    take care 

    Lynne xx

  • Do they have any idea what causes it to become inflamed?  I don't blame you for wanting to give it more time before going back to work.  I had a couple of mishaps as well (one in front of my 16 year old grandson!!) and it really destroyed my confidence in venturing out.  I am finally able to control it and make it to the potty, but I'm still paranoid about it.  But it seemed like an eternity to get to that point. 

    The first week after gallbaldder removal I thought I had won the battle, but the stomach pains and nausea returned the second week.  The stomach pains are not nearly as severe as when I had my gallbladder and they don't last long.  I think it's just my body adjusting.  So I'm really glad that I had the surgery.  The surgeon was furious when he saw all of the gallstones.  He took an extra pic of it and walked over to the ultrasound folks and asked how they could have missed it.  Their miss cost me two months of more yukky tests, pain and weight loss.  It seems like I've had so many setbacks this past year.  I'm at 4 weeks post op (gallbladder) now and still at a dangerously low weight.  My gastro doc told me to start eating fatty foods (anything but fried) and to add peanut butter to my smoothies.  So I did that this afternoon and I'm surprisingly feeling fine.  I'm trying to see a nutritionist, but it takes weeks to get an appointment with anyone.  I have been hesitant because it's very expensive and the insurance doesn't cover it.  But I have to figure out how to gain weight. Thank you for asking. 

    It is still painful to poo (acutally it always hurts), takes an eternity to complete the task and it cuts my skin. It's a super slow, painful process due to damage from the radiation.  

    If I make myself get out like I did today, I make it just fine.  

    I hope your feel better soon!  It can beat you down at times.  It does get better.


  • Hello everybody,

    How is everyone doing?

    I've been following Sheri and Lynne, hope you bother feel better soon, Sheri sounds as tho you are finally on the road to getting better.

    Lynne I'm sorry you seem to have had a bit of a set back, but I'm positive you will be ok xx.

    I myself am back at work but only 3 hours a day at the moment, I will increase my hours over the next 6 weeks. I'm doing ok at work although I do get tired, but I'm lucky they are very good at work. I did my helicopter ride last weekend, what a fantastic experience all over the Snowdonia mountain range.... I loved it!

    In myself physically I feel very good. I did have small accidents at first occasionally but I've always been in the house, it was mostly that jelly stuff you get, but that has got better now. I do occasionally have to get to the toilet urgently and I was worried about that going back to work but I've managed so far. 

    To be honest about a month ago I thought I'd never get back to feeling normal , but I do now! I still use my diahorea tablets the hospital gave me when I was having chemo if I want to be out all day, and they settle my bowels for the day.

    The only moan I have is having the scans, ct scan they inject the contrast dye and chemo has ruined my veins ( they wasn't too good before hand either), they tried 4 times to get a vein! Same with MRI, they insisted on giving me buscopan ( they didn't give it the first time because I take blood pressure tablets) but they insisted this time and I nearly passed out as it made my blood pressure drop. CT was clear, got my MRI results next Monday.

    Love to you all, 

    Sue xxx

  • Hi Sheri and Suzy

    Doctor gave me a prescription for a steroid cream with anaesthetic in for my botty. She said that being only 8 weeks out of radiotherapy it is still possible to get sore, so I just have to go with it. 

    Sheri - peanut butter is an excellent source of fat and protein. I would try other high oily foods too such as oily fish and avocados. Hopefully having the gall bladder removed will now put you on the road to recovery.

    Suzy - so glad to hear you are back at work and feeling normal, when I go back I will also be on reduced hours to start with. Spoke to my boss re my return but not so sure about going back in August, might give it another month just for the healing process. Good news on the CT scan and let us know how you get on with MRI scan, you are nearly there.

    i still have a couple of things to be investigated a cyst on my left ovary and a lump on my thyroid, both found when I had the PET scan. I think the hospital have prioritised the cancer before looking into those.

    im trying to remain positive, I have my CT and MRI scans on the 24 August, here hoping death to the bum beastie!

    take care


  • Hi Suzy & Lynn, 

    It's so good to hear from you, Suzy!  I'm so glad you feel well enough to work.  The helicopter ride sounds wonderful!  Great news on the CT scan.  I have the same issue with my veins.  I always make sure that I'm super hydrated before I go in for a test.  Yes, I think I have finally turned a corner.  I was worried that this was as good as it was going to get, but the last couple of days have been much better.  The discomfort is minor compared to what all of us went through.  And I think it's more fun to try to gain weight than to try to loose weight (although both are equally challenging).

    Hey Suzy,  yes I understood that they prescribed a cream.  I was just curious as to what might make it flare (or do they even know).  Have you noticed a difference if you eat a lot of fiber?  You are still in the recovery stage.  It will get better.  I know it's only natural to worry and waiting for the results is grueling, but they really have great success with this brutal treatment.  I'm sorry you have more hurdles to cross.  

    I had a growth on one side of my thyroid about 10 years ago.  I noticed it when my grandson tossed a lego that accidentally hit the base of my throat.  The growth was much larger than they anticipated because it was growing behind the thyroid and hidden from the scan.  They only removed one side so I don't need to take hormones.  It is not a bad surgery and is an easy recovery.  I also had an ovarian cyst when I was much younger (22).  That was not fun.  My doctor asked if he could do an up & down incision instead of a bikini incision which would allow him the ability to look around while he was in there.  No laparoscopy procedures or MRI's back then or if they did he didn't utilize them.   Geez I'm OLD! I'm sure the docs aren't worried about your cysts and lumps or they would be taking a closer look.  They can biopsy the lump on your thyroid.  My biopsy was done in the surgeons office.  Piece of cake.

    Sending big hugs your way,

    Sheri xx



  • Hi Sheri

    when I asked the Doc why it had flared up she put it down to the radiation still working, I suppose the skin has been so damaged that any little thing will set it off.  I try not to eat too much fibre because of making me too loose. But it’s hard to find a balance because I don’t want to be constipated either. 

    Im now 48 hours from using the steroid cream and things are improving thankfully.

    take care

    Lynne xx

  • Hello... Well back in April finally went to gp, had referral and biopsy Mri and ct.. Yeap I have anal cancer.. Like yourself very strange to get head round, never have I looked so well at the moment apart from a sore itchy bottom!! People even commenting how well.. So Yea I can agree with you... Please don't go searching the Internet only trusted UK sites everybody is different and will react differently to news and treatment and recovery healing times.. I start Monday and Tuesday 23/7 my radiochemotherapy... Can't say its not going to be easy.. But Bring it on... Here if you want x