Newly diagnosed, waiting is driving me crazy

I've been diagnosed with cervical cancer and just had MRI scans and now waiting for the results of these to show staging and then a treatment plan can be made.

I just want to find out what's happening and then make plans to try and kick it's ***.

I've read a lot of stuff but would be interested to know what treatment others have been given and at what stage they were.


thank you and best wishes to everyone fighting the fight xxx


  • Hi Clavid

    The treatment is pretty standard dependent on stage-early stage and a small tumour could be a radical hysterectomy, but stage 2 and beyond would normally be radiation and chemotherapy. Typically around 25 sessions of external radiotherapy, some sessions of brachytherapy(internal radiotherapy) and around 5 sessions of chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is daily on week days, chemo is once a week for around 5 sessions. The chemo used is a low dose so you don’t lose your hair. Individual treatment plans may vary slightly as they are all individually tailored to each person but this gives you a rough idea. 

    I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago so please feel free to keep in touch and let us know how you’re getting on. Any questions, just ask..obviously I’m not a medical professional, but have had a lot of experience with treatments. xx

  • Hi Clavid,

    Sorry to hear your diagnosis, I was diagnosed in May stage 2b grade 1 adenocarcinoma tumour. I started my treatment 25 radiotherapy 5 chemo and 3 brachytherapy on 3rd  August and finished treatment on 16th September. 

    I found the treatment very doable just got tired at the end. I am currently doing well and hope to return to work soon.

    If you have any questions please give me a shout.

    Take care x