Newly diagnosed. Clear cell carcinoma endometrial

Hello everyone 

I was hoping someone could help/provide some support. I've been diagnosed with clear cell carcinoma endometrial after having a polyp removed from my cervix. Im 27 years old and told this is really rare.

I wondered if someone can tell me any more info and whether they have had this/been through this process? 

Im so scared and all I can think is that I might die, it's such a horrible feeling. Thank you, Paige x 

  • Hi, I was stage 1a grade 3 with clearcell, it is listed as an aggressive cancer, and yes I panicked aswell when heard it, but still treatable x how far along are you in this process, did they get clearcell from biopsy or hysterectomy?? I was only told was clearcell after further tests after hysterectomy, was grade 2 before op then went to grade 3. I went through bad emotional anxiety, it's a very scary place right now, but the feelings do start to settle as you go through this process. 27 is very young ️I was struggling at 57, but any help I can offer im here xx

  • Thank you so much for replying to my post. The language used I think doesn't help and I've been trying so hard not to google because I can't see anything on there thats reliable enough really. So I only found out last week about my diagnosis, it was from biopsy of a polyp on my cervix and they have advised the plans to be full hysterectomy and then chemo. I'm having an MRI and CT next week. I keep thinking maybe they've got it wrong but again, that's not helpful either! 
    im really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, what was the process for you? Did it take long between the test results and surgery? 
    I really appreciate that, thank you so much. It feels like such a scary place to be and having unknown answers just makes it worse! I have my MRI today so fingers crossed for some positive news out of this xxx 

  • Mine was abit different, I went into hysterectomy with grade 2, clearcell was found after my parts were sent to histology for further tests, I had mri before knew had a diagnosis but think this was just to check where my cancer was, I googled everything..please don't do this ,,everything leads to worse case senerio and that made me really ill. Let ur oncologist do the talking and explain everything, I had hysterectomy and 3 weeks later had oncology appointment and due to no spread no lymph node problems he gave me 4 brachytherapy sessions. Your mri should show more