Newly diagnosed


Today i found out i have Endometrial Cancer. I am like a rabbit in headlights!! Has anyone in the group got any advice? I go to the Oncology department on Wednesday, for initial treatment plan, advice and discussions, i will be meeting my oncologist, a Macmillan nurse etc, but its a long time till Wednesday. I am struggling to take it in.

  • Hi there and welcome ...

    I think most if not all of us felt like that on hearing the word .. and your brain will be doing summersalts for a while, digesting it .. the first part of this journey your on is for me the most scary of all .. it's the unknown .. and everything will be going round your head for awile... take all those feelings and run with them .. don't hold them in .. we've all had every one of them ...

    Then when you get it all out ... get ready for the rollercoaster ride that is cancer ... you sit in, buckle up, hold on tight, and when you feel scared look around you, wer all on that ride, right by you ..  it's hard ... but it's doable ... once you get your plan, you'll know what your looking at .. I've got a spare pair of boxing gloves just waiting for you, to use ... 

    Cancer wants us to crumble and lay down and give in ... there's lots of us on this journey who are kicking it's butt ... right down this path wer on ... we will bend, but we won't brake ... you can do this ... 

    I've no knowledge of this cancer as I'm a breast cancer lass ... but I looked it up, and where l looked the odds are good ... wer always here and well hold your hand through this, for as long as you need ... you can vent on here, put anything your feeling ... because we know those feelings ... 

    Sending you a big vertual hug... chrissie 

  • Hello Marmitelady,

    I had endometrial cancer, didn't find out for sure until after my hysterectomy in Feb this year. So I'm not in the the same boat as you, but did go through lots of tests, waiting around, more tests, short notice of op. 

    Your mind will be a bit scrambled! Try to think back over the years, how have you coped with stressful times? Do you talk to someone, or have a good cry, or write things down? Do you go to the gym, or have a pamper session? Clean the house, or sit quietly meditating? We all have our own ways of dealing with things.

    If you can get some excersize, say a brisk walk or bike ride, it helps burn off nervous energy. Anything that puts your mind into neutral helps. I find doing the vacuuming relaxing!

    This may sound really odd, but I remembered a lovely dog we had called Taxi. She fell ill, had to have an emergency op. She had lots of stitches and was very weak afterwards. And she wagged the moment she saw us. Jumped in the car to go home, and looked for her favourite toy. She just trusted people and accepted everything. So I tried to do that. 

    Treat yourself gently.

    regards, gamechanger


  • Hi there,

    Sorry about your diagnosis.  I'm also a breast cancer lass so can't add much about your cancer, but there are lots of generalities too especially when it comes to treatment, so we are all here for advice, support, a virtual shoulder to cry on etc.

    I can't add much to the wisdom of Chriss or Gamechanger, but I would say make sure and take someone with you to your oncology appointment.  As you've probably already realised a lot of what the doctors say goes by you the minute the word 'cancer' is mentioned, so it's great to have a second set of ears there (although probably not a 'panicker' type person!).

    While you wait it won't do any harm to start looking after yourself more than usual.  A lot of the treatments we get for cancer make it good for us to look after our mouth/teeth, our skin (moisturising), getting plenty of fluids and plenty of rest.

    Hope that's of some help.  All the best for Wednesday, let us know how you go.

    Best wishes,
