Newly diagnosed


I'm Vicki and have been newly diagnosed with Invasive lobular breast cancer at the age of 67.  I am finding it difficult to find anyone else with this type of breast cancer.  I am due for a MRI next week to see if the one spot they have found on a mammogram and biopsy has spread anywhere else before surgery.

If anyone else has this same cancer and is further on, I'd love to chat and know a bit of what to expect in the coming months.


  • Dear Vicki,

    Welcome, but sorry to see the reason you are here...

    After all the usual tests, I was diagnosed in Feb with Lobular cancer in one breast and Tubular cancer in the other, so know something of what you are currently going through.

    Like you I then had an MRI before a decison was made on the type of surgery required.

    I was lucky in that there were no further areas of concern and I went on to have bilateral lumpectomies and sentinel lymph node biopsies in mid March. I will be starting three weeks of radiotherapy soon to get rid of any left over traces of the cancers, followed by five years of hormone tablets which will hopefully prevent any cancer returning.   

    Obviously, my particular treatment plan was based on the size, location and grade of the cancers I had so your plan may well differ to mine but I hope this has been of some help for you?

    It's a long haul whatever happens and I wish you all the very best.

    Do keep us posted with how you get on and take care xx

  • Hi ,I went to doctors with pain in right, then found they weren't interested in that and scans and biopsies taken on left! I was diagnosed with invasive lob and they found dcis as well when I had the lumpectomy. I have found it strange that there are groups for dcis and not for inv lob. I had sentinel node biopsy which was clear and just finished 15 sessions of radiotherapy yesterday. Skin still intact and still slapping on the cream. I started letrozole on 30th March and having a bone scan tomorrow . Just to put a time line on it, I was diagnosed on 4th February  (national cancer day!)  and finished yesterday so that's not bad going. Once you step on the roller coaster, one day merges into another. I have had an awful headache today and I'm thinking it's because I don't have the adrenaline going of rushing to the hospital today. Anyway, keep popping on here, everyone is fabulous and very supportive xxxx

  • thank you it's nice to know I'm not alone. Wishing you both all the best with treatment. I find the waiting between events the hardest.  I got the recall on 10th April and then had further mammogram and biopsy, saw consultant on 29th which isn't bad I suppose but now want the MRI over so that I know what I'm facing.  Was told that targets for surgery for this type of cancer are within 62 days which seems a long time to wait.

  • Hi Vicki,

    The great thing about this site is that you are never alone and can chat to people who really know how you feel!

    All my tests, procedures and treatments have been done at the maximum target time frames which has been very frustrating and is why it has all taken longer so far than some on here but all we can do is wait, wait and wait again!

    Unfortunately, until your consultant gets the MRI results they cannot determine the best type of surgery in your particular case.

    The 62 days is, I believe, calculated from the date of your referral to the breast unit and my op date was 61 days after so I just made it!

    Take care and please do ask us anything and everything, or simply have a rant whenever you wish. xx





  • Hi to all,

    I just got told yesterday i 'probably' have was very definate..and very scary. i had a mammogram and then an ultrasound...then straight into a core biopsy...7 samples taken.   

    I am travelling to USA on Tues - left boob covered in plasters, for a week ... which means my results will be delayed by a week. how does anyone cope with the waiting?... 


  • Yes the waiting is the worst, but at least you are going to be occupied with travelling. Just keep looking forward to the next obstacle, not too far ahead, once you step on the train it goes fast. Soon you will be looking back, wondering where the time has gone xxx

  • Hi,

    Sorry to say but the simpy answer is we don't cope with the waiting. I was literally pacing around muttering to myself and, when not doing that, I was scaring myself stupid looking at the internet. This of course was the worse thing to do since it had not been confirmed at that point that I even had cancer, let alone two different types, so I didn't actually know what I was looking for. Having heard from others on here at that same stage, it is normal to be climbing the walls and is just something we have to get through however we can. 

    I hope you have family or friends you can talk to about this and, although you didn't say if you are going to the States on business or on holiday, either way it might actually help you to have something different to do for a short while?

    We will be thinking of you and hope you'll let us know how you get on. Good luck in the states too. xx

  • Hi vicki I have been diagnosed with the same cancer as you. I had a CT scan on my liver, lungs today and I am due a bone scan in a week. I have been told I need a mastectomy and chemo if my scans are clear otherwise I presume it will be stage 4 and the treatment will change.

    How are you doing? I have small children so they help to take my mind off things

    please reply if you have time

    Y xx

  • Hi

    I'm lucky that my children are grown, so only myself to worry about.  I am due my MRI tomorrow and see surgeon on 15th May, so its moving along albeit too slowly for me.  I guess where you are in the country makes a difference, the good old post code lottery.  No mention made yet of scanning any other bits except other breast, so hope that is a good sign.  so far the suggestion is a lumpectomy if no spread and mastectomy if there is more than one patch or if lymph nodes are affected,

    thinking good thoughts for everyone diagnosed - do keep in touch as we go through this and we will beat it and come out the other side.




  • Hi Vicki,

    These things always seem to take too long and I had to wait 16 days to see the surgeon after my MRI so you are lucky that you are seeing yours "so soon"!

    You are right that the MRI will only include the breasts, nothing else. The don't seem to check anything else while you are there. If yours is like mine, you lie face down with your head in an oval hole and your boobs in two round holes with your arms down by your sides. Not particulaly dignifed but that way they get to see all the relevant bits and it is not at all uncomfortable!

    My plan was the same as yours, lumpectomies or mastectomies and, as I mentioned before, the MRI did not show up anything futher in my case so I have my fingers crossed for you that yours is the same.

    Good luck tomorrow and do let us know how you get on on the 15th. xx