
I'm new to this site felt like I needed a little support I got thyroid cancer in September 2013 they removed it felt another lump and it was clear my husband was a manic depressive so I kept all my feelings to myself and would often cry alone in the bath I now have yearly checks and it's coming up again soon I always worry it's going to come back my husband was no support and has just told me he's been having an affair and has left me for another woman I started Macmillan cancer support counselling and he was great helped me come to terms with loads of things explained to me I shouldn't feel guilty I had looked after my husband with depression and disability for 24 years and since the cancer surgery and other major surgeries he had been no support and yet I felt guilty my husband would still text me or speak to me about his suicidal thoughts and I wasn't there to support him. I know I shouldn't feel guilty he should have supported me considering he is training to be a counsellor and is a Samaritan shouldn't he?

  • Hi Bella 

    welcome to the forum, you have certainly been through it

    i am no counsellor doctor or agony aunt (uncle I suppose), but it looks like it's time to look after number one.

    even when you were going through cancer, you kept it from your husband because you were thinking of him and not yourself

    its never easy when we need support from a close one and it does not manifest itself and this causes more problems in its own way.

    you husband has now left and although in a way, your responsibility to look after him and his depression has gone too....although you sound a caring person and that might not be the totally true

    its time to look after yourself, you have benn looking after your husband for too long without a level of acceptable reciprocal support, now someone else has that burden and you are free of it,

    concentrate on doing something positive for yourself and making you feel good (worrying about your husband is not included in that)

    as I said, I am no expert, but being a cancer survivor I know how important it is to be positive about yourself and making the most of everything.

    sounds like you have been given a fresh new chance in many ways, go grab it with both hands
