
Hi, first time here, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June last year, he couldn't have surgery or chemo, long story short, we were told he would be made comfortable, and expected 3-6.months left.  Here we are 9 months later and he is doing  exactly what he said and proving them wrong. He is so amazing and strong, and positive and if anything is keeping me.going. But in the last month he has really started to suffer, struggling to control stomach acid, and vomiting regardless of meds. He cant eat or keep down the meal replacement drinks. No one is being honest with me.abkut if these are signs things are rapidly going downhill or if its a blip. And i need to know to cope. Hes been prescribed some medication through injection noe including 10mg diamorphine but he doesnt want to use it yet with fear it will just knock him out and he wont know whats going on and that will be it. I guess Im just looking for anyone who has similar experiences and who could maybe let me know some stuff. I am so sorry for the long post. Actually feels a bit of a relief writing it down. 

  • Hello Jeeves.  And welcome.  I am sorry to learn that after beating the doctor's estimates it appears that your dad may be deteriorating.  I am not clear who you mean when you say that noone is being honest with you - doctors? nurses? family?  Has your dad given permission for you to speak directly with his doctor about his condition?  I guess I am asking who is your main source of information.    That aside, as you have already realised, it can be difficult for doctors to estimate how long a patient may have left to live; so much depends on the individual.and your dad sounds like a fighter!  I have known a few family and friends diagnosed with cancer, some of whom have died.  My son's father died of lung cancer very suddenly when we all thought he was holding his own; a cousin of my late mother has been going strong with a terminal lung cancer diagnosis for a few years now, well beyond what the doctors expected.

    Please do continue to post here if it helps you.  Annie

  • Thank you for.your reply. And the doctors and nurses, paliative care havent done anything. No one has ever told us expect so its hard to know happening because of the cancer and what could just be something else. The injections he has been sent are for sickness, pain and agitation, I didnt realise agitation was a symotom of pancreatic cancer? He has been saying he hes gling to start shaking all over and things are closing in, os that agitation? He has also  been dreaming of my mum alot lately who passed away nearly 12 years ago when I was 17. Thank you so much, this really helps. X

  • Hello again.  I understand - because I asked the question of the moderators (or possibly the nurses, I cannot remember which) here some time ago -  that the patient is the only person to whom the doctors give information unless (a) s/he gives permission for someone else to be kept informed, or (b) is incapable of making decisions about his/her medical situation in which case someone else becomes the recipient.  I am not clear how the decision is made but imagine that in most situations it is obvious who should be involved.  It may be that your dad has decided he wants to receive the information himself; but I am guessing here.  Could you ask him about this? 

    What you said about your dad dreaming of your mum really resonated with me; when my mum had cancer - she died some years ago now - she told us that she had been "seeing" her brothers who had died in WW2.  Possibly others have similar experiences.

    I do hope you can find your way through the information question.   Annie