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Hi, my husband has advanced prostate cancer for past 15 mts. He is very angry that he was going back and forth to Dr for 4 mts before he was diagnosed . So far he has had the injection into the stomach each month, before it stopped working, he has a tumour in his shoulder now, and has been put on arbratin  now as well, which has inflamed his liver, so they had to take him off it for two weeks. I am worried sick, as I am afraid of it spreading further, but hospital, makes like of it. He would love to know of anyone else having same problem. Feels great just to put this down in writing , and hopefully get some advice.

  • Just wanted to pop by and say hi and welcome to our little chat room , where you can say or ask almost anything ... I'm a breast cancer lady, so sorry I can't answer your questions ... but hopefully someone with more knowledge then me pop by soon .... Chrissie x

  • Thank you for your reply, and welcoming me to your chat room, looking forward to being able to chat, because it can be a lonely  time, best wishes to you on your journey.

  • Hi there

    first write all you want, got a problem put it on here we will reply and try and help.

    I myself after 20 months and still going have advanced PC and bone metistic spread all over I ve done chemo radiotherapy and now hormone injections.

    i know what it's like back and forth to the docs or urology dept, at the beginning its a pain but very important, hopefully he will be some type of hormone treatment and they will find something that will keep it at bay for some time.

    take care


  • Hi Joe, 

    its good to hear from someone thro the same thing, yes Martin is on the hormone injection as well, but not working on its own, needs tablet to stop it spreading, but his liver is very inflamed from it, so he is on and off them at present, hoping something will eventually work for him. He is delighted I am on this chat room, as he does not use a computer himself, so I can keep him updated with replies. Thanks again, and every good wish yourself

  • Hi

    Theres more ladies than men on these forums, as the men are scared to know and the ladies are the opposite.

    I kind of give advice and encouragement to all wether it's some one who are like us a lady wife girl friend who just is worried and wants to chat or guys who are starting out.

    Do not know if this helps but a couple of walnuts throughly chewed help assist the liver, will not work over night need to do it for months google it you will see what I mean.


  • Will definitely get him to try the walnuts, thanks, to be honest I really wanted him to try cannabis oil, because some people recommended it, but he wouldn't dream of going against the Dr, although they said that it effects the liver also, so don't know what to think

  • Hi 

    i do know a few who use cannabis oil, it has not been researched to the point were doctors will put it on prescription, it has mixed reviews but if he has a bad liver you really need more info, 

    Its only a few walnuts a day something to do with the oil they release, but I did not go into it that much I take a supplement called pomi-t but it only helps keep the PSA down give it a Google.


  • Hi Meadhbh90 and welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm very glad to see you've already had a warm welcome to the community from Chriss and joeven. 

    I noticed you were wondering about cannabis oil, so I thought I'd just stop by to pass on some information that we have on the site about it. There's so much out there online it can be hard to know what to believe, so I think it can help to refer to trusted information:

    Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far

    It's a long read but it might answer some of the questions you have. There’s little in the way of evidence to suggest that either cannabis or hemp oil benefits most cancer patients.Taking cannabis could also potentially interfere with other cancer treatments given to you by a doctor, and can carry other side effects and risks.

    Do chat to your husband's team if you are considering this. 

    I hope this information helps - if you'd like to talk about anything to do with your husband's treatment, our friendly and supportive nurse team are just on the other end of the phone, too: 0808 800 4040 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you so much Helen for information, will read up on it shortly, and yes have spoken to Martins team about it, and they did say, that more than likely it would effect his already inflamed liver, so probably be out of the question. I personally feel, everything he is being put on, is either not working, or very bad side effects, so what harm would it do to try it. I know, I hear people say, it's not me that's sick, but, so many are in favour of it , that's all. Thank you all once again, as I said, it's great to be able to talk.
