New member to the French branch of the tonsil cancer club.

Hi everyone, diagnosed three weeks ago after having a lump on my neck for months. initially, I went to the doctor who sent me for an ultrasound and was told that it was a cyst and not cancerous. Rather foolishly I left it at that until I started suffrring from a sore throat. Went to doctors and given antibiotics. 2 weeeks later went to dentist and he didn't see anything, the following day I felt a lump at the back of the roof of my mouth, I thought I had burnt my mouth, That was Tuesday, Friday (three weeks ago), went to the doctor and told I had very high blood pressure and throat cancer. They don't hold their punches here in France. Went to the emergency room at the hospital and was treated for hypertension and kept in for a week. A very busy week, tubes up noses down throats biopsies ct scans dentists, and an under general anasthetic examination. Was told in no uncertain terms that I had stage 2 tonsil cancer which was also on a node on my neck BUT that it hadn't spead any where else. Had to wait a week for the biopsies to return and was told for certain what we already knew.

The treatment they are advising is 3 rounds of Chemo, each one a different variety which they say should shrink the tumours by up to 80% then surgery on the neck if neccessary and radiotherapy to remove what's left in the mouth.. Any one else had this type of treatment, I am told it is the American way of doing things.

So 2 days ago I had a port fitted to my neck and chest, so that the chemo can be input directly to a big vein. That hurt but will be better in the long run or so I am told.

So can anyone else describe the tumours in their mouths, if you had any at all, I also have a burning hole in the back of my throat which makes life a bit difficult. It would be nice to hear other peoples symptoms as this is so new to me I am not sure if I am a "normal" club member or someone special. ( I know; we are all special).

Does anyone know how LesBeatrix is geting on, she was also going through the same thing here in France. If she reads this I have asked for a friend request.

So a general hello to all and a thank you Vatch aka gamma ray gary, your blog was most helpful.

In the words of Grouch Marx, "I would never join a club that would have me as a member", wise words, if we only had a choice.


Looking forward to getting to know some of you, hope we can all help each other get through this terrible time


Pete AKA Hankstains

  • Hi Pete welcome to the special club I am 7 weeks out on radiotherapy.

    i also have a blog


    any questions ask , Vatch is brill .

    no holes in roof for me but read the b,of and you will see my journey so far. It’s tablet time and nap time so send a friend request if you want to chat



    boone chance