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Hello everyone, 

I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the end of July. I've had 4 round of chemo so far (Folfox) & the last one had left me feeling awful for over a week. I'm really struggling with my mental health. I think the intention is to scan me after 6 rounds in the hope that the tumour had shrunk enough to operate but from what I've read about others, I feel this is highly unlikely. If they tell me I need another 6 rounds I just don't think I can cope. I can't bear feeling this ill & have this overwhelming feeling that the cancer will get me anyway. I talked to a macmillan counsellor but he was useless. I just feel right now like I can't get thru this & I'm barely existing day to day. I'm 54 & never been ill in my life & I guess that's why I'm finding it so hard. How do you all do it? Thank you for reading.

  • MrJaysMrs

    Hello  firstly a warm welcome to the forum.  

    Chemotherapy is hard to deal with,every ones body is different  and like all prescription drugs,what one person can tolerate, another person can't  , chemotherapy and how it affects you  is differnt for everbody. 

    The first thing I'd say is have you spoke to your chemotherapy nurses about how your feeling  or better still your oncologist.  As they may be able to reduce the dosage of your chemotherapy, and if that doesn't work ,they may be able to change the chemotherapy to another suitable one. Sometimes it really is trial and error  before you  can find one that suits your body better. 

    I know that it isnt always the case that they can do this  but you won't know untill you've discussed this with your chemotherapy team. 

    I had breast cancer,so my chemotherapy was probably completely different to yours. I was given really strong anti sickness tablets a couple of hours before my chemotherapy started I also was given iv steroids. 

    I also had In  2014 , in my bowel a flat sessile polyp which had to be cut out in five sections. I had a blue dye inserted into it as it was flat against my bowel wall,and I was told the blue dye had to be inserted as  it was easy to make a mistake  and cut through my bowel wall ,but thankfully it went well and that didn't happen. The results came back as high grade dysplasia  pre cancerous cells.  So I had to have a right side bowel resection ,where half of my bowel was cut away  on the right side ,along with my appendix and a small piece of my stomach intestines . I've had 39 colonoscopys throughout my life ,as I've had a lot of benign polyps cut away.  I've also had ulcerated colitis, when I was 18yrs old it was treated with a  two week stay and tablets in hospital.  I've also got diverticulitis , and IBS   internal and external hemroids. I got through it all,it wasn't easy ,now I'm under a  gynecologist and a dermatologist  as i was diognosed recently with Vin 3,pre cancerous cells of the vulva. Had 2 biobsys advised to use a cream ,and wash creams and emollients.  So i will be monitored for years for that too,as it can return I've been told ,but hoping it won't. 

    I try to keep my thoughts to being positive about all ive  endured , I  told myself whilst going thriugh it all that i won't give up fighting  and will take any treatments  I'm offerd ,and yes I felt tired,lethargic,drained but I didnt realy suffer  much with feeling sick  only once as the anti sickness pills I was given were marvellous. 

    I kept telling myself  I won't be beaten , I've got this Im In control .

    You can do this,it will be tough at times,don't give up give yourself a fighting chance. .Good luck with evetything.  Big  hug sent your way   .X

  • Thank you Jassoscared. My goodness what you've been thru! I have an appointment with oncologist Friday so will ask some questions then. I know so many people are much worse off than me but I'm such a big baby & just can't seem to cope with how I feel. Big hugs to you too x

  • MrJaysMrs

    Hello ,and thank you for the hugs  vert much appreciated.  Hope your appointment with oncologist will have given you some reassurance and answers to any questions you may have had.  I know once I'd seen my oncologist and spoke about evertything  I felt much more in control. X

  • Hello Jas, 

    Thank you, I've had my dose reduced to 80‰ this round so hourly won't be so bad. How are you bearing up? X

  • Hi I'm glad your dose is reduced now  hopefully it will be easier to cope with.

    Thanks for asking how I'm coping, I have my ok days and not so ok days ,  but that's to be expected.  Still feel a bit lost with out my mum,can't believe mums been gone eleven weeks  and four days allready. I usualy love Christmas  but I'm not feeling it this year yet I've put my tree and Christmas decorations up much later than I normally would but did it as I know mum wouldn't want me to not do or live my life as I've always done,mum would want me to do all the normal things I'd ususky do. I'm with my son,and his wife,and two grandaughters and my daughter and her partner and  my grandson ,all going to my sons on Christmas day , and all the family, and my sisters family are all coming to my daughters on the 29th December.  So I know being together will be lovely and help us all to celebrate Christmas,miss my mum  so much we all do, but life goes on,as it should do untill your time is up. Good luck with evetything, and Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2023.x