New diagnosis of bilateral breast cancer

Hello everybody... I've been looking at this site for a couple of weeks and today plucked up courage to post... I'm newly diagnosed.. 4 weeks ago I found a lump in my left breast whilst showering.. Fast forward.. I had mamogram, scans and biopsies and the Doc found a 4mm one forming in my right breast, and a 4mm one in my left breast.. To date there are no lymph  node involvement so I'm presuming it's self contained... I feel fine not ill and I can't believe this is happening to me... My op for lumpectomies is 2 August so not long... My question is though.. If this is self contained what are the chances of this returning and will the doc be able to say what type of cancer this is? 

  • The surgeon will send away the tissue removed during the ops and from that should be able to give an accurate diagnosis. I’m guessing you may also be recommended to have radiotherapy treatment when your scars have healed sufficiently to mop up any stray blighters that might be trying to escape.