Never think it will happen to you or anyone you love

Hello everyone,

Sadly my wonderful mother was informed today that after having an X-ray that she has lung cancer in the top left part of her lung. She is going to be referred to hospital to have that part of that lung removed. They will not know what stage it is until they operate and she may have to have chemo. I don’t think it has totally sunk in for my mum which is understandable whereas it has hit me like a ton of bricks. She means everything to me and I want to do all I can to support and help her.  At the same time I am scared and have been holding back from breaking down as I want to be strong for her. She means so much to me and is central to my life. I am only child and she raised me as a single parent and has been an outstanding mother. 

i want to learn all that I can about lung cancer so I can fully support my mum through what is going to be a difficult time. In wanting to be positive and proactive has lead me to look at this wonderful website. I have read peoples own expereinces  on here and have been humbled by what I have read.

I might be deverstated but I do have hope and like someone else stated in this section,I suppose I am looking for a community who have similar expereinces.


  • Hello,

    I am sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. I know it is traumatic and you both will be numb for a while. For me it seemed to get better once I started meeting with doctors and making a plan.  I didn't know what the end result was going to be and all I could do was take it one appointment at a time. When I had setbacks I would be devastated but made myself push on. My cancer was cervical; I had only 4 rounds of chemo, but a bunch of radiation.  It wasn't pleasant and it kicked my butt for a while, but I got through. My advice to you is to try to focus on one day, one appointment at a time, Expect setbacks but don't let them overwhelm you for long.  Get into therapy if you can, it will help you (and your mom) with coping skills. 

    I hope you get some comfort from my words and please let us know how things go.  Prayers for you and your mom.

    Laura xx

  • Thankyou so much Laura, I certainly got comfort from your words. I so glad your treatment was successfully. You went through a lot and its good to hear you came through this.

    Its funny i was thinking before I read your post about taking one step at a time, I have a habit of getting too ahead of myself and then feeling over whlemed! So it’s good to hear the same advice from you.

    My mums next step is that she has to have a camera through her mouth so they can check her lymph nodes are not cancerous, if that goes well, we will then meet her surgeon to discuss the operation for part of her lung to be removed. 

    i will definitely keep you updated and please visa versa.

    Thankyou so much for reaching out and my prays and best wishes are also with you

    Sarah x

  • Hi, welcome to our forum although it's obviously not where you want to be.  So my husband was diagnosed April 2017 with stage 4 lung cancer, there is no stage after 4.  He couldn't be operated on so we went chemotherapy and radiotherapy route.  Since then I've written a daily blog under Stay Strong.  Most people want to try and live normally so this is how we live each day.  Good days, bad days but there's always something to make you smile each day.  So don't think ahead, don't Google, listen to your medical team and think positively for your Mum.  I know what you are going through and so do others, we all support each other, give advice and have a chat.  Please let us know what happens and you can always message privately on my page.  Best wishes, Carol 

  • Thankyou for the welcome Carol much appreciated :)

    i am going to read your blog which I presume is on here and it’s goodtohear from people like yourselves who have been/ and still going through this- living day by day. My thoughts are with you and your husband. 

    I must admit I have been doing a bit of googling but will not let this override anythingt the medical team advise. 

    We are still trying to come to terms with this but the weather was nice today so we both went out and had lunch which my mum really enjoyed- roast beef and  organic vegetables:)

    again thankyou for making contact - support and advice noted. I hope I can also give back in time

    enjoy your Sunday :)



  • You are very welcome, I am pleased Mum had a good day, its these small pleasures that get you through each day.  You sound like a lovely daughter and your Mum will appreciate simply being with you.  Keep in touch. Carol