N.E.T. in stomach??

It has been almost 2 months since my bowel screening and a N.E.T. WAS FOUND IN THE RECTAL colon.

It was removed there and then and I was told it was a Neo-endocrine tumour by a nurse on the 1st July after analysis

An MRI scan was done to see if the tumour had spread and results were apparently good although I only got quick feed back over the phone. During this feedback session I was told a 7mm nodule was found in my left pelvic side! I was so relieved at the "good news" and that focus...I didnt enquire more into the nodule and the specialist made it sound unimportant. 

So I have finally got a date to see a neuro endocrine specialist...all moved forwards by me calling and hurrying this process along.

Since the 1st July Ive had symptoms of gastritus...or could it be another N.E.T? Im gttn progressively worse,on lansaprazole and it isnt making any difference.

So...has anyone had symptoms such as these connected to a gastric N.E.T  and can an MRI miss this ???

The notes on a Ultrasound scan last yr show inconclusive evidence of a nodule...not clear results!! Simething else to worry about.


  • Hello DJayne, 

    You've done absolutely the right thing in calling and hurrying the process along and I hope you won't have to wait too long to see the neuro endocrine specialist. Do mention these new symptoms you have experienced since the 1st of July to the specialist and the fact they are gradually getting worse. 

    I hope you will hear from others here who have had a similar experience. Should you wish to talk to our cancer nurses about this, you can ring them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Hopefully you will find out more soon when you see the specialist and get an explanation as to what these notes on last year's ultrasound scan may mean. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator