Need to talk with someone going through the same Experince

My mum inlaw was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer which had already spread to her bones in may 2016 we where told it was terminal,inoperable and very aggressive.

we where left devastated and so was she.

She had 6 sessions of chemo and it worked well, she then had radiation on her chest and on her brain to prevent it spreading there as that is where it will spread too first the hospital told us,

We had news 2 weeks ago that it has spread too the brain after she lost some feeling in her body.

she is now in a lot of pain in her back and they have put her on morphine which is working well but she is sleeping a lot  and has not been out of the house since Monday this week.

she is having chemo on Monday 26th if she is ok to have it fingers crossed,she is such a private person and will do anything to make sure we don't hurt and will keep things to her self,Im scared she is suffering more than she lets on and we don't have as much time as we think we have,any one been through the same Experiance or is going through it now and can offer any info 


thanks in advance x


  • hi Sharon

    i can only talk abour my experience with my sister she's having chemo too and the days after r horrendous

    she tries to put a brave face she's always been  taht way but we know she tries to protect us while we try to protect her 

    my sister needs a lot of rest the days after her chemo so we let her sleep all she needs but we're always around 

    her tummy gets messed up so i try to cook foods she finds easy to eat like broths and puddings

    dunno what else everyone is different i hear

    what do u find the most challenging with ur mum in law?

    Sandy xx


  • I am on my second round of Chemo. The days after I feel terrible. I think people think you take the pill which is the form I am on this time and your ok. I just don't feel myself joint pain all over and bad stomach. I am so down with it all feel like me quality of life is poor I pray to god that I will feel better soon