Need some support

Hi everyone 

My brother has been told after having colonoscopy they found cancer and drs said just be case of an operation and then he was referred for CT scan.

 Met yesterday and dr said he expects after looking at ct it’s in his liver and now they won’t operate and only offering chemo.

He now got to go for pet scan and then start chemo.

Is this stage 4 cancer and palliative chemo?

He’s 45 but his overall health isn’t good he’s had 2 strokes and he’s diabetic plus has mental health issue and can’t go anywhere alone.

I’ve just spend the last 4 years getting my own son who was 14 through acute lymphoblastic leukemia he’s now 18 and we just finished maintaine, so I know a lot about that kind of cancer and chemo but not this.

 my son was very very lucky and no blasts where found in his blood after 7 days of chemo which was good sign for us. But does have a lot damage from the chemo has a vascular necrosis so we are looking at knee replacement another massive challenge (I don’t know I can face.) plus after losing him twice due to his lungs collapsing and having to run between 2 hospitals day and night as this when my brother had his strokes. My nerves are shot and my health has gone down the pan I’ve lost so much weight (now 6 stone) 

My heads all over the place with worry as he lives with my mum who’s poorly, my dad die of sudden heart attack 2 years ago, then my brother had 2 strokes, then my son got cancer and just when I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel, now my brother got this! 

Please advise if you know anything about this type of cancer and what to expect please x 

  • Hi, My younger brother 14 years old, suffering from Pre- B Leukemia (ALL). He has 80% blast cells in bone marrow. 1 month treatment of chemo could not bring the change. Now, Drs are using high dosage of chemo. Could you please tell me either he will be fine or not? Is there any difference of chemo?
  • Hay bless ya, no wonder your heads all over the place ... it looks like life's been throwing you low punches for some time now ... one thing you need to do firstly, is step back and look at what you have been through, and realise at 6 stone, it's really effecting you big time ... what if you get ill ... you need firstly to look after you ... take time to eat and have even a little bit of time just to collect your thoughts.. I can't imagine how you do so much every day ... 

    Sorry can't help with questions as I'm a breast cancer lady ... but in having a lot of my family going through lots of stuff with health at the mo .. every week I take one day, just for me ... and I can feel my battery charging up, so I can be there better to cope after a battery charge ... so no matter how impossible it is to take a day out just for you, you will feel so much more able to cope ... coz you sound like your running on empty ... 

    Sending you a big hug , Chrissie

  • Hi AK123 ... 

    I'm afraid no one here can tell you if he'll be fine, coz wer just normal people like you who are effected by cancer ... we can tell you our journeys and give support to others ..

    All I can say, is hold on in there, and try to live in the day ... write all questions down for his oncology team and if you don't understand the answers, ask to make things clearer .. cancer is so cruel, but at it's crulest when it effects our young ones , so my heart goes out to you and your bro on this journey... wer always here if you need a shoulder to lean on ... big hug ... Chrissie

  • Hi there Ak123 sorry to hear about your brother but don't lose hope as there is a really good cure rate for leukaemia my son had the same type B cell. We choose the trail as the standard treatment is 10 years old we're by the trails are being used already as standard treatment in USA and Germany they use high does methotrexate 4 cycles with no pulses in maintenance (steriods or vincristine)  as we were randomised. He's MRD was low risk. 

    Yes he's fine the treatment was tough especially the DI part low cells and hospital stays but there is light there. We also believe in healthy eatting, no fast foods etc my son found a love or Thai food, once the chemo knocked his cells out we'd make him drink loads of water, bath to wash chemo out of his skin and eat mostly Thai currys homemade. 

    Does have extreme OCD towards cleaning as now has fears of germs.

    if you want to talk more please drop me your FB username and happy to support you xxxxx 

  • Thanks everyone yes I definitely need a break, just booked few nights away so hopefully get bit of recharge. Thing is because I act so tough my family tend to push a lot on me there massive blockers and will leave things till there to late to be fixed.

    like when my dad dies, I was away on holiday and they rang me and said "your dads not feeling good" I asked why they was ringing me and not the Drs? Told them too but my mum avoids problems and left it and he dies of sudden heart attack, same with my brother I was in icu with my son and my mum rang saying your brother can't walk? Said ring anblumce now! She left it waited for on call dr to come at 6pm then she rang it by then he had two full on strokes!

    i get really frustrated then I put myself last and run around trying to fix everything

  • Oh bless ya twice ... you must have at the back of your mind, if you leave it to anyone else , something bad will happen ... be carefull it doesn't become to the point you just have to be every where for every one ... coz if you do get ill, they will have to cope ...

    Who cares for the carer .... well I do, so please do something just for you ... a treat ... weather it's turning phone off and listening to music .. the cinema ... a walk in the park /seaside .... even for a couple of hours ... but turn your phone off ... if any thing happens in the meantime, you can blame me ... 

    Sending a hug ... and take care ... Chrissie