Neck lymph node biopsy


Please could you advise? I had a double biopsy on an enlarged lymph node in my neck on Monday 08.11.21. The doctor had a exert quite a bit of pressure as apparently they node capsule was very hard?

The bruising is starting to come out and I'm getting more achey in the area. Yawning is painful as is swallowing sometimes. 

I'm guessing it's as a result of the pressure exerted. Please could you advise when it should start to feel more comfortable? Sorry if this is a silly question.

Many thanks


  • Hi and thanks for the post

    It's not unusual to get bruising and some pain for a week or so sometimes after a biopsy. It might be helpful to take some painkillers for the next day or so regularly throughout the day to get on top of the pain. Hopefully, things will start to settle down by next week but it does vary a lot from person to person - there isn't a set date by which time everything has settled down.

    Hopefully you will get your results through soon , but if the pain worsens, do get it checked out by the GP or ring the clinic for further advice.

    I hope things begin to settle soon

    All the best
