Neck lumps


Recently, my twin sister - she lost 5kg of weight, and has 4 lumps in her neck and one developing in her groin. 

I am worried sick, we are so close that I feel all of her pain and worry. 

She has had an ultrasound; which showed abnormal cells in one of her lumps... which we thought was just an enlarged lymph node but it was a lump on top on the node. She then got a biopsy done of that so now we wait for the results... it's been 11 days. 

Can anyone please tell me what to expect/any reassurance? I just don't know what to think, the thought of her potentially having cancer terrifies me. She is so healthy and we are so young(only 22), it just seems surreal. She has never usually thought twice about her health, so it's a real shock. 

Thanks in advance 

  • Hello Ward54

    I'm sorry to hear that your twin sister has been unwell. I can imagine how close the two of you are and how difficult this must be for you both. 

    Hopefully the results of the biopsy will give you some answers about what is going on for her at the moment. Do you know when you might hear from the hospital? I would hope that it wouldn't be too much longer. 

    Let us know how she gets on Ward54. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hey,


    yeah I hope so. I'm praying that it comes back that it's just abnormal cells or something. Just worrying though because yesterday another lump appeared on her neck


    we phoned the doctor yesterday and there is no results yet of her biopsy. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing? When it got done they did say to her that they had to wait for the cells to grow or something? Maybe I've got that wrong but it was something along the lines of having to wait for the cells to ___ something. Can't fully remember!! I suppose it can take upto 3 weeks but the waiting is the worst. She just isn't herself at all atm. 

    thanks so much for replying, I really appreciate it. Makes this whole experience feel less alone

  • Hey just wanted to know, did you receive the results? And is everything good?


    pls let us know I'm wishing the best for your sister right now

  • Hello, still no results. When she got the biopsy, the doctor said to her "I don't want you to go away thinking that your life has totally changed" and gave us his personal phone number and his PA's. She has phoned and left a voicemail so we wait... again thanks for your concern. 

    Courtney x

  • Ok pls update when she gets her results. Thanks


  • An update!!!

    she got her results today... I have never felt so relieved and happy and overwhelmed! She phoned today,  and they said she didn't need to get a phone call back because she is healthy and she is fine, her white blood cells are a bit raised but they aren't concerned, and she has been discharged from the hospital. They said a letter is getting sent out to explain everything. What a weight off. thanks for all your support!

  • Really happy to hear that!! Congrats on the good news, I'm glad your sister is healthy and well