Neck lump

I am really stressed out and wanted to share maybe it will help me put my mind off it for a bit. I recently went for an ultrasound because i have had reactive lymph nodes for years couple of them actually. When i went to the ultrasound including my lymph nodes they also found a nodule on my thyroid which i wasnt aware of. it is very small 6mm but its solid and has microcalcifications and has been rated U4 so they reffered me to a follow up ultrasound with the dictor and possibly biopsy. Did anyone else have the same experience??? from what i have reqd is possible thyroid cancer because its solid and has microcalcifications however it also has low echo thats what it says on the report, low echo avascular flow. im very confused. 

  • Please don't worry, Throid cancer especially papillary is easily treatable.

    FNA biposy will help.Fairly quick process.



  • Sorry to hear you're so stressed out. I didn't have that situation exactly, but I did have thyroid cancer and to quote the surgeon when he diagnosed me, "ah, it's not the worst situation in the world." I know that is easy to say more than two years after my thyroid was removed, but it really isn't what you might be imagining when you hear the word "cancer."

    I read somewhere that a lot of people who never know about it can be found to have thyroid cancer if there is an autopsy after they die. It has just never had an impact on their lives.

    My lump was 10.5cm and the cancerous part 6.7cm. It had also spread to about 8 lymph nodes. So I had my thyroid and all the lymph nodes at one side of my neck removed. And...that was that, really. I was back at work after a month and absolutely fine. I did have to have radioiodine treatment afterwards, but that is basically just swallowing a capsule and some annoying restrictions (because you are radioactive and it could harm children or women who are pregnant and stuff, not because you yourself are at any risk) and anyway, that is to prevent recurrence because I was at increased risk, given the spread. Your nodule is so small they might not even do that.

    Honestly, I don't think you will know if it is cancerous until the biopsy. I went into mine being told, "ah, nodules are common; we just have to check them in case they are cancerous" and it turned out to be. The ultrasound doesn't diagnose cancer, I don't think. I think it can rule it out in some cases, but I don't think that's that many. I think really, the majority (like 90% or something?) of nodules get biopsied and while some might be higher risk than others...some of those with a 5% risk will turn out to be cancer and some of those with a 75% chance will turn out not to be.

    The fact that they are going for another ultrasound before biopsy sounds positive. They really didn't seem to think cancer at all likely in my case. One doctor straight up told me "I think you're fine" and another more-or-less said, "well, there's nothing on the ultrasound to suggest it is cancer," but they still went straight from the ultrasound result to referral for biopsy. 

    Honestly, for me, thyroid cancer meant an operation, a couple of days feeling sick from the anesthetic, another few being really bored in hospital while feeling pretty much fine and then getting back to my normal life. I would probably have gone back to work sooner, maybe after 3 weeks, if I hadn't been a teacher and really needing both my voice to be at full strength and to be able to turn my head quickly. My neck was a bit stiff.

  • Hi,

    I had a thyroid cancer as well, 2 surgeries , full thyriodectomy and radioiodine therapy.

    Still in 2 if the nodes affected and under observation.

    I'm glad , in the end, all is well, Margaret Mary.

    Don't worry joname, Papillary cancer is almost curable.

    All the best x


  • Thank you, just the possibility scares me really.

  • Thank you, so sorry you had to go through that. It is just the word that scares people and puts pressure, i know maybe its curable and not that serious but just the process of waiting and all the googling im doing is too much of a headache.

  • Hi, yes indeed.

    I'm currently referred to rapid access gynecology clinic, in suspicion of Leiomysarcoma, deadly cancer.Not much is available online.

    Hopefully it's just a fibroid!


  • Wish you all the best.hopefully is it's benign.

  • soundss scary hope all goes well for you