Neck lump

I've recently discovered I had a lump on my neck just under my chin, the lump has remained for nearly a month now alongside the lump I am experiencing breathing difficulties however no issues with swallowing. I have visited the gp and they have told me they believe it is a swollen lymph node however they are unsure so have scheduled a blood test. I felt abt comforted until another lump has appeared at the front of my throat right at the bottom just under the thyroid gland. I am stressing and thinking worst case scenario I'd really appreciate if any advice is offered from anyone who has experienced similar. Cheers x 

  • Hello Cherry9009 and thanks for posting, 

    I hope someone else comes along and chat, if they do bear in mind that symptoms like lumps and enlarged lymph nodes can occur for several reasons, so someone else's experiences might not shed much light on whatever is happening with you. 

    Waiting for tests and results is invariably unsettling if not stressful. Try and keep an open mind and take it one step at a time. 

    I hope you know more about your situation soon. You are welcome to give us a ring if there is anything you want to ask. Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around weekdays 9-5. 

    Best wishes,
