My mum... my world

My mum... my world.

My mum had breast cancer 10 years ago. She had maesectomy and reconstruction. She then went through chemo at her own choice and everything seemed fine.

Then back in August after a few months of sickness it then came to light that my lovely mum has now got secondary breast cancer in the liver and also some on the bones. Our worlds crashed.

She has chemo weekly at mount vernon which I take her to. She’s about to start her 5th cycle. 
This is the hardest thing ever but even harder for her. 
Looking for people with similar stories to chat with and find some comfort if any.

  • My Dad had colon cancer, they didn’t manage to get that and it spread, he had a further three bouts of cancer and beat everyone. He died of a heart attack and not cancer so. So keeping my fingers crossed that your mum will carry on too.



    Welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry for the reason that brought you here.

    I lost my mum to secondary breast cancer 21 years ago and, it was not an easy journey for any of us. She had initially had a mastectomy and radiotherapy. After care and follow-up were non-existant at that time and she lived for 12 years after that.

    She became increasingly ill with a number of different complaints and we discovered that it had spread to her liver, lungs, brain and bones. They didn't even discuss the possibility of chemo then, so I'm hoping that you mum has a better chance.

    Sadly, mum didn't last for very long after that, but it was the hardest thing that I have ever had to face - and I've faced some real disasters in my lifetime!

    All that you can do is to be there for her. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer myself in the past 9 years and can appreciate just how important it is to have the support of family.

    I am always here for you if you want to chat.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx