My mum is dying and I’m not sure what to do.

Hi everyone.

I'm not really sure why I’m posting this I think it’s just because I’m struggling to cope with everything that’s happened over the past couple of months and I don’t really have anyone to talk to in real life.

My mum was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with extensive small cell lung cancer that has spread to her spine, pelvis, pancreas and possibly liver. We have been told without treatment we could be looking at months only. With palliative chemo maybe up to a year. She is 71 and was a life long heavy smoker. (That stopped 6 weeks ago when she became physically unable to smoke as breathing was too difficult)

I’m just feeling such a mix of emotions. I’m so devastated she is dying and feel sick at the thought of losing her. Then I’m angry at her for smoking so much for so long. Then I’m angry at myself that I didn’t force her to go to a doctor when the more serious symptoms started before Christmas. I try and be strong and act normal when I’m around her. Then I worry by acting normal she thinks I don’t care. I don’t want her to see me upset but I also don’t want her to think I don’t care.

Im an only child and my father died 5 years ago. No family in the area although my mums sister in law has come down from Scotland to help for the time being. I’m just in shock at how quickly things have deteriorated.

She has been on and off unwell since December. But mainly just tired and losing weight and a more noticeable cough. I kept telling her to go to the doctor but she delayed it over and over. I tried to tell her it could be serious like cancer or COPD but she just brushed it off saying it was acid reflux, chest infection, you name it she found an alternative explanation. I won’t go into the long details but twice since January she refused hospital admission. Why didn’t I force her to go?? I’m not sure I really believed it could be this serious either. 6 weeks ago she was still going to the shops and smoking. Now she’s bed bound as her legs won’t support her, she’s barely eating and just sleeps all day. She has had one chemo round 2 weeks ago but her immune system has disappeared so she’s in hospital in isolation. I’m not sure they’ll do anymore chemo. And I can’t decide if that’s good or bad. I hate seeing her so unwell. I want her to be around as long as possible but I also don’t want her to make herself so unwell trying with the chemo.

sorry I’m going on a bit I’m just so conflicted all the time. She’s the only person I really asked for help and she could fix anything but now she can’t fix this and it’s up to me to make things as good as they can be for her.

thank you to anyone who read this. It helps to write it down.

  • Hi Miss Marvel,

    I'm so sorry you're going through this with your mum.

    My father has terminal pancreatic cancer and we don't know how long he has left - I know how hard it is to express how devastating it is to see your parent deteriorate so quickly.

    Feel free to vent on here any time you need to share - there are so many lovely people here who will listen and offer advice. 

    Sending you a  big hug xxx

  • Hello MrsMarvel and welcome to the forum.  You sound to be going round and round in a spin and not knowing where to get off!  You are not to blame for anything that your mum did; imagine how you would react if it was the other way round; since you became an adult I bet you didn't always take a lot of notice of your mum's advice if it conflicted with what you wanted to do?  When we become adults we have to take responsibility for what we do.

    This must be so difficult with you and full marks to your sister-in-law for coming to help you - I hope you get on well together as that will relieve you of some of the stress.  I am attaching a link to information about being a carer in these circumstances which I very much hope is useful.  You need to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally; this will also help your mum.  Talk to your mum, tell her how much you love her.  I know this is a very difficult time but you will get through this as you love your mum and want to do your best for her.  Please keep posting here if you find it helpful.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hi MrsMarvel,

    I'm sorry to hear about your lovely mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you. There are really no words that can comfort us when such devastation is happening. Please don't carry guilt or shame. None of this is anyone's fault. Cancer is evil and it doesn't discriminate. Spend time with her. Hug her and kiss her and tell her you love her. I'm sure she knows and appreciates your presence. 



  • Hi MrsMarvel. I know what a difficult time this must be for you. It happens so fast. One minute our parents are healthy adults that we turn to for advice and help and it seems like the very next minute they are sick and need a lot of help.

    I still beat myself up over not being on top of my moms cancer diagnosis too. The doctors had seen a spot on her lungs back in the fall and booked a PET scan for her two months later. Then she cancelled the appointment the day before!!! I knew she had just blown her chances for getting any kind of treatment. I wish I had been there to make sure she had gone to her appointment and then maybe if she'd been diagnosed sooner it could have been treated. But I can't go back and change things. 

    I felt pretty awful thinking about how my mom smoked for 60 years and that is why she ended up with COPD and lung cancer. But I couldn't make her quit, and it was how she coped with stress. But we really can't force our parents to do things they don't want to do - like quitting smoking and going to doctors appointments. 

    Please don't beat yourself up, you've done what you can and she knows you care about her. We never know how much time we have left with our loved ones. We always think we'll have more time, but in the end it's never long enough.