My mum is close to dying and constantly angry with me

My mum has had a rare form of Ovarian cancer for almost 6 years now. Even from the start there was very little the NHS could do to help her. She eventually had to have various treatments abroad, as her cancer is so complicated (it is calcified and mutated). Up until July of this year, myself (22), Mum (51) and my little brother (13) lived with my Nan who is now 85. I have been at uni for the past 3 years, and so when I finished uni we moved back into my mother's house, to relieve my elderly Nan, and I became Mum's primary carer. At first it was okay, I tried to keep up with all the things that needed doing in the house, care for my Mum as well as do shift work. But at the end of summer, with my brother going back to school, we decided it best to have carers come in twice a day, so that when me and my brother weren't at home that Mum still had the help she needed. Her cancer has progressed in the past few months, and is now pressing on the tubes of her stomach and bowel. She is sick everyday, after lunch and dinner, and so weak all of the time. She is scarily thin, and the doctors have implied that eventually she will starve to death, as they would not be able to artificially feed her for complicated reasons. She is angry at the world. But I seem to take the brunt of it. She will scream and shout at me, a lot of the time what seems to be over small things, or say really hurtful things to me. She has only ever once apologised, and sometimes will not acknowledge that she has said these things at all, often saying she would never say something like that. My brother does not get this treatment, and she often compares me to him, saying why I can't I be like him, when both of us are trying our best to look after her. She gets angry with my Nan too whenever she rings up or comes round, but my Nan seems to have a thicker skin with it all. I get so so very upset when she tries to create arguments with me or says hurtful things. All I want is for us have nice memories to take forward, and for her to make the most of whatever she may have left. I know that is easier said than done, and I cannot imagine the turmoil that must be going through her head everyday. She no longer seems to have the capacity to think of anyone but herself, and will not acknowledge my hurt. My brother seems unphased by all of this, I guess as he is not taking the brunt of it. With everything, him and my Nan will side with my Mum, and think that I am the one who is causing problems, upsetting my Mum, when it is her venting her anger at me, and blaming me for everything (She even once blamed me for her having cancer, and said that I was the reason she was dying). When Mum is really struggling she shouts about how she is dying and no one is doing anything, and says things to me like "You can see your friends when I'm dead". I feel so helpless, and like I'm not only losing my Mum but my brother and my Nan through all of this too. I am meant to be my brother's guardian if anything happens to my Mum and I fear that he will want nothing to do with me when she passes, because of the way that my Mum has perceived me to be right now. I only want to help her and for us to get on. Even the other morning, going into her room and asking how she was and if she needed anything was met with anger and shouting, with me eventually not being able to hold back the tears. Has anyone else who has had a family member with cancer been met with irrational anger towards them? It is just so difficult to deal with at times, and I end up avoiding her and feeling guilty for doing so. But I feel there is nothing I can do right in her eyes anymore and I do not feel loved by her anymore, which I know may seem selfish to say about someone who is consumed by the idea that her life may end at any given day :( Thank you for reading this, I know it is very long, but if you can help me in any way please let me know, even if it is just a small bit of advice. I just want my Mum back, and I want her to enjoy whatever time she has got left with me as well as my brother, as I feel that the two of them seem to have an untouchable bond, and I have become like an outsider.

Thank you to anyone who responds to this,


  • Hi there Emily ... what a wonderful lass you are .. you must feel heartbroken... I would be so proud to have a daughter like you ... I’m so sorry your nan can’t realise how hard this is on you and she should be giving you a hug right now ... I am a nanny too and I have an amazing granddaughter who’s 5 and she’s my world and you know she has the most beautiful name in the whole world... Emily ️.. so this nanny is sending you a huge great hug through here ...

    now when my bro in law was dying of his cancer , he had a daughter and a son .. his daughter did everything for him.. fed him, bathed him, everything... he was always having a go at her , she took the brunt of his pain filled anger and frustration... his son lived a couple of hours away , and on the couple of occasions he came down he could do no wrong , he was the golden child , but my niece carried on regardless.. and she had her own family to look after too .. she was an angel ... I helped too and McMillan nurses came to lighten the load at the last few weeks ... she got through it , she adored her dad .. and she was pleased she had done everything she could...

    now she realised it wasn’t him, it was the pain from the cancer, it was eating him away .. he was so frustrated as he’d gone from the strong independent dad to having to have his daughter do these things and his independence was gone .. he was helpless... and it was just too much to take .. his son didn’t do nothing for him so that’s why he was kinder to his son, coz he didn’t loose his dignity with him ... it was like he was angry at her coz she took that away , though without her he would not have lasted as long as he did .. I’m sure if he could talk too her now from up there he would say thank you for being there for me ... 

    i know it’s gonna be a hard time and it will probably get even tougher ... but when your mum looses it , just think to yourself it’s the cancer talking ... the pain talking .. the frustration talking ... try to let it go over your head ... even having a good cry after will do you good to get it all out ... Emily if ever you want to chat message me and I’ll keep an eye out for you as I’m on here most days ... hang on in there ... when she says things that hurt you ... she is just needing to be angry at this life she’s found herself in ... try to get a brake every so often and don’t feel guilty ... even go for a walk .. do something ... 

    well emily I’m sending you my heartfelt feelings to you ... your not alone ... Chrisie xx ️

  • Please let us know how you are ... really worried Emily x

  • I have been with my partner & first love who for 10 years , she got cancer in 2007 , she survive till 2014 she was fine , the her cancer come back , in 2014 she was ok till 6 month b4 she go , one day she was angry and told me be happy I have slept with one of your friend , she said I know you had sex with his gf that is why I don’t the same , so now it is been 3 years she is gone all I am thinking what if she say that and it is true ? Did she really slept with my friend ? Or was she just knew clearley I been with my friends gf that is why she said it ? She was mad at me , she was always angry didn’t want to see me and every time I go to see her she refuse to see me , she also some time said you are not going to see me when I am getting closer to death , she use to said I don’t want you to see me ugly , I don’t know what to do now please 

  • Hello Emily ,                                                                            My mum just passed away with renal carcinoma and she would get angry and lash out to be honest I think your mum feels like she’s a burden to you and is trying to protect you from the heartache that will come when she dies by pushing you away she thinks this will help you deal with her death easier, you need to tell your mum that you know she’s trying to push you away and that she is not a burden and that it won’t make it easier for you , I had to tell my mum that around two years ago as she was the same ,but it didn’t last only a couple of months then I told her straight that she had no right to speak to me like that because she had cancer sounds harsh I know , but it needed to be said. Listen sweetheart I know how you feel and your worries are natural but your little brother and man may surprise you after mum dies it has different effects on people than you would expect you will find strength from within to deal with this Emily xx