My Mum Has Cancer :(


     I am completely numb. Just found out yesterday that our beautiful mother has Pancreatic Cancer. 

It has been found very early though and it hasn't spread and she will be having an operation to remove some of the pancreas and the spleen and then starts chemotherapy.

 She remains upbeat and positive and so does my dad and my siblings. 

I am just absolutely scared. I am 33, married with 3 children and I just want my mum and want her well.

I hate Cancer! :( x 

  • Hello LeonieG,

    I just wanted to welcome you to our super friendly forum. I am sure you will feel better for coming here and talking to others who also have a parent with cancer.

    It is normal for you to feel numb after receiving such life-changing news. But it is good that it was found very early and that it hasn't spread. We wish your mum the very best of luck for her surgery and for her treatment. Do you know when she will be having the operation?

    You sound like a very caring daughter. Your mum is very lucky to have you. Hopefully this forum will help you feel less scared and less alone as many here are also looking after a parent or a loved one with cancer.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for replying to me. 

     Mum has her op on the 12th October. She will be in hospital for quite a few days then will start on her Chemotherapy programme.

     She mentioned that it was find very early and using a specialist scan as it extremely small. She said it was found in the middle of the pancreas. 

     I not sure I making much sense as sometimes I zone out of what is being said. I am very close to my mum and I am petrified for the future but I hear that is all positive news that it tiny and not spread and that she well enough to have the operation etc.  

     Thanks again for replying to me - makes me feel less alone x 

  • hI, what a lovely daughter you are to come here to get the best help you can. My brother earlier this year had the same problem as your Mom and I never thought to get advise from this forum. Having this week had a mastectomy myself I can speak from expereince. Many have given me lots of support but nothing beats your loved ones opening up about their fears so you can enter that space and share your feelings. So dont be afraid to do this part of being strong is being vulnerable and facing the fear. From that you can help even more. I hid so many of my feelings from my brother and he tells me he knew all along and it drained him because he felt he needed to support me. I hope everything goes really well for your family. Kind regards Sue