my mum has cancer

Hi, my mum has acute myeloid leukaemia this means that since being diagnosed in July 2014 she has rarely been home. She went to the doctors to begin with just for a 'well woman' check up, then we treated ourselves to an afternoon at the spa as I was 6 months pregnant. My little girl wasn't planned but we were all looking forward to her arrival. Before being diagnosed my mum and I had lots of plans about the birth and once she had arrived, and I had asked her to be one of my birthing partners - along with my boyfriend (my little girls dad). But when we arrived home my dad told my mum that someone had rang for her but he wasn't sure who it was, but they would be calling back (my dad is a bit deaf). At about 9pm the doctor called my mum and told her that she was very poorly and needed to get to a hospital for further tests - my mother being stubborn told the doctor that she felt fine and wanted to sleep in her own bed and said she would go to hospital the next day. And so she went, they did tests and within a week she had been admitted into hospital - as quick as that all our lives had changed! My dad has done countless miles everyday to visit her, first to the closest hospital about 30 mins away, then she was moved to one further away (about 1hr 30 mins away). All through this my great aunty (who lived with us) died suddenly, my boyfriend started gambling, I was looking after my grandma (she can get very confused ate times) and I had my little girl. So we have been there for her through the nearly transplant attempts, the different chemo's and all the infections she has got. And through everything I have never once thought that she wouldn't come home at some point, and in months or years time we would be back to normal and she would be helping me and my boyfriend with our little girl.

But tonight my dad has spoken with the doctors and they have said that the current infection she has is very bad and they are giving her as many antibiotics as they can, and she has an oxygen mask on constantly. My dad's said that they are preparing us for the worst, and I'm not sure how I will cope if it comes to that. - I am sorry this is so long, a lot has happened since July 2014!

  • Hi Bex

    I thought i'd reply. I am so sorry to hear about your situation... bloody hell, life does throw some pooh at us doesn't it :(

    It sounds like your dad is an amazing guy and great support for you.

    My gorgeous mum was diagnoses last week with lung cancer, with possible spread to the breast - we are yet to find out more details (what stage, what treatment etc..) I am trying to stay positive and just support her. She is at home now but not in a great state.. she doesn't have much appetite, in a lot of pain (she has pain killers) and can't walk well without being aided by my dad and brother. She needs assistance bathing and going to the toilet (she always said this would be her worst nightmare, not being able to go to the loo by herself.) She is coping alright though, I guess we're just in limbo at the moment until we find out more info. 

    I am sorry I can't offer any advice, but I just wanted to reach out to let you know that I will be thinking of you and I am wishing you lots of love and courage. You really are a credit to your mum. 

    I know what you mean about things happening so suddenly, I keep thinking back to christmas when everything was normal and my mum was happy and active and bouncing around the house. I wish I could turn the clock back :(

    Please keep in touch and feel free to PM me anytime. Lots of love to your gorgeous mum, you and your family. x

  • Thank you so much for your reply. So am so sorry to hear about your mum, at the beginning of my mum's treatment, I went to the hospital everyday before or after work (as I was pregnant), and I understand how hard it can be! Not only for them, but to see someone you love go through that. I also wish I could turn back the clock, my mum has always been healthy and taken her health seriously, so has been a complete shock to us (more that she has been away from us for so long). She is the glue that keeps are family together - as my dad says. I know that siblings do not always get along, but being an only child I sometimes feel so lost and alone, as my mum and I are really close. But it has been hard since having my little girl to go an see her, and since Christmas have visited her only 4 times. My mum was also upset when she could no long go to the loo by herself (she broke her leg whilst in hospital and has no been able to get out of bed as she has no strength).

    Just being able to talk with someone who is going through a similar situation is enough for me, everyone's experience with cancer is different, so offering advice can be hard. I hope your mum gets better and I will be thinking about her!

    I am always here to chat, love to your precious family as well x