My Mum has cancer

My amazing mum has been battling cancer for over 5 years now, late last year we had the dreaded news that they were no longer going to treat it as it had spread to much. She is so so brave and after all shes been through she just carrys on without moaning or feeling sorry for herself whereas the rest of us are falling apart. She had an operation 5 years ago to remove part of her lung where the cancer was and we really thought that would be it but after a year it came back so she has been having chemo and radio up to last year. She fell and fractured her hip in 2015 but it didnt take her long to get back on her feet with help of my Dad and last year she suffered a collapsed lung  but again she got over it and got on with it. Now in the last couple of weeks it seems that she has suddenly deteriated to the point that she cant do absolutley anything for herself my poor dad is having to do it all(not that he minds) in the last couple of day she's changed so much she repeats herself and she just so confused, its absolutly heartbreaking. I know that every moment is very special now but it is so hard to see her like this. I just wish i could do something to take this horrible disease away from her!

  • Oh my dear KED; this must be heartbreaking and frightening for you.  Even allowing for the fact that nothing prepares you for losing a parent this is a tragic stuation.  I hope you and your dad are getting some help yourselves.  MacMillan Cancer Support give helpful support for carers and family.  I hope you will keep posting here if it helps you.