My mum died 4 weeks ago

My mum died of lung cancer 4 weeks ago the funeral was yesterday.

She had breast cancer 20+ years ago and her whole life from then on was over shadowed by cancer and the fear of it returning.

i just don't know what to do without her. How do you move on?

Her elderly dog lives with me now.

How can I help myself?

i have a 8 and 5 year old and my Dad, I have to be strong for them.

I had an amazing relationship with my mum, I saw or spoke to her every day.

thanks for reading xx


  • Hi I'm really sorry for your loss it must be so horrible for you cancer is just horrible disease my wife Died from breast cancer 22nd of December last year! It's so hard to see a way forward on this but you have to do for your children I'm here if you want to talk



    It’s inevitable that it will be extremely difficult so soon after your mums death and I assume your mum had probably gone through a lot prior to her passing and that you have shared this with her.

    It will take a lot of time to move on (eventually you will). Your mum will love that you are taking care of her dog.

    It’s difficult to ‘help yourself’’ when you have two children aged 8 and 5 who need so much attention and are quite demanding and I guess your dad is going through some strong emotions also.

    You were blessed to have had an amazing relationship with your mum and that you kept in touch every day.

    Keep all the Good memories that you shared together in your thoughts!.

    Best Wishes